Stalking against children Loredana Morandi

Nth stalking against today's episode of my children. Comes about because today these same people were reported to me for the third time in 18 months, whereas what is on the Prosecution of Cagliari, a complaint to the Municipal Police of Viareggio - forwarded to the Postal Police Lucca and today at the police station in Rome.
This weekend I was particularly productive, because Sunday morning, I settled accounts with others by analogy with the genus and species are unprecedented in the Court of Pescara. And today I have done to give my contribution for all authors of Biagioquotidiano and other species of exploiters.
But let's see how the crime is overt persecution and slander against me and against my family by the authors of Biagioquotidiano reported. So, with a "poll".
The general character of the text is obviously derogatory towards me and act to create the false belief that I am a bad mother.
You must know, then, that Italy even if in agony political - institutional and two bad investments in the European Parliament, has introduced a new penal code article with Decree Law 38/2009 11/2009 converted thereby establishing the canons of legal punishment of a crime.
The DL 11/2009, converted into Law Number 38/2009 which introduces into our law to Article 612 bis of the Penal Code provides for punishment up to 4 years, plus an increase of the sentence of the "half maximum" or two years, where stalking is designed to harm minors.
But let's see how the crime is overt persecution and slander against me and against my family by the authors of Biagioquotidiano reported. So, with a "poll".

The general character of the text is obviously derogatory towards me and act to create the false belief that I am a bad mother.
You must know, then, that Italy even if in agony political - institutional and two bad investments in the European Parliament, has introduced a new penal code article with Decree Law 38/2009 11/2009 converted thereby establishing the canons of legal punishment of a crime.
The DL 11/2009, converted into Law Number 38/2009 which introduces into our law to Article 612 bis of the Penal Code provides for punishment up to 4 years, plus an increase of the sentence of the "half maximum" or two years, where stalking is designed to harm minors.
punishment that the prosecutor will ask for a total of 6 years with a round, even visible except the crime of association (art. 416 cp)
Everyone knows that I am divorced and single mother, about this game today slander against me and those of my children. But I'm not
Daily Justice case. Less known fact is that many years ago I had won the appeal to bring the process of recognition against the biological father, putting the bank in the future for my children the right to take legal action for the economic support not enjoyed in 'absence of the parent.
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