my detailed complaint è pronta
Gentili lettori,
Sapevamo tutti fin dall'inizio che avrei dovuto denunciare anch'io l'organizzazione del famoso furto del "Gruppo a Favore delle Cellule Staminali per Malattie Gravi su Facebook", sottratto ad agosto al grande invalido della mala sanità italiana Marco Franceschetti.
Una sottrazione " della speranza nelle staminali ", operata per vil denaro, stante egli fosse rimasto gravemente offeso nell'anima e nel corpo reso emiplegico da un intervento a cervello aperto, durante il quale lo staff chirurgico ha perduto parte della sua calotta cranica.
Nulla fermò nell'agosto scorso quella gente, neppure the recent earthquake in Abruzzo, which certainly could Franceschetti from Pescara "fear" in full.
We did not expect, however, that my complaint had stimulated so much bloody. Please
meanwhile enjoy reading my articles: professionally correct, moderate and marked by dialogue between the parties.
FaceBook and the Yellow Stem, An Open Letter to Chiarelettere
Facebook: The Yellow Group for Stem - the responses and adjustments
But no ears who do not want to hear ...
I guarantee right now that this process will be in Rome, which in Pescara.
Even and especially in Following the recent developments and damage.
And everyone will know the criminal use of the world's most famous socialnetwork:
Facebook, where the two authors of the same publishing house were respectively Played uttering "condoning of crimes of pedophilia" and beds for having "published the 'use of criminal pedophiles and its wire circuits and support to the suspects child abuse ", with characters on trial until the attempted bribery of witnesses of the violence in innocent children.
No, not denounce them together, too easy.
And, yes, I have the right to free legal advice in accordance with DL 11/2009. Previous
instead sono datati 28 agosto 2009 in Pescara.
A proposito: i bambini non sono ammessi nelle aule di Tribunale.
Niente foto a conclamare gli illeciti di commercio.
Loredana Morandi
Una sottrazione " della speranza nelle staminali ", operata per vil denaro, stante egli fosse rimasto gravemente offeso nell'anima e nel corpo reso emiplegico da un intervento a cervello aperto, durante il quale lo staff chirurgico ha perduto parte della sua calotta cranica.
Nulla fermò nell'agosto scorso quella gente, neppure the recent earthquake in Abruzzo, which certainly could Franceschetti from Pescara "fear" in full.
We did not expect, however, that my complaint had stimulated so much bloody. Please
meanwhile enjoy reading my articles: professionally correct, moderate and marked by dialogue between the parties.
FaceBook and the Yellow Stem, An Open Letter to Chiarelettere
Facebook: The Yellow Group for Stem - the responses and adjustments
But no ears who do not want to hear ...
I guarantee right now that this process will be in Rome, which in Pescara.
Even and especially in Following the recent developments and damage.
And everyone will know the criminal use of the world's most famous socialnetwork:
Facebook, where the two authors of the same publishing house were respectively Played uttering "condoning of crimes of pedophilia" and beds for having "published the 'use of criminal pedophiles and its wire circuits and support to the suspects child abuse ", with characters on trial until the attempted bribery of witnesses of the violence in innocent children.
No, not denounce them together, too easy.
And, yes, I have the right to free legal advice in accordance with DL 11/2009. Previous
instead sono datati 28 agosto 2009 in Pescara.
A proposito: i bambini non sono ammessi nelle aule di Tribunale.
Niente foto a conclamare gli illeciti di commercio.
Loredana Morandi
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