Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hot Tubs And Kidney Infections

Loredana Morandi on Wikipedia?
No defamation is always

La mia vicenda umana, 18 mesi di stalking subito e conclamatosi in una recentissima e plateale truffa con risvolti fin anti sindacali e di inaudita meschinità, ovvero il gravosissimo "strascico" dell'aver dato alla stampa lo scandalo del Centro Elettronico dell'Università Federico II di Napoli i cui server erano da 4 anni in rete IRC per il file sharing illegale, può senz'altro essere mostrata ad un pubblico di studenti di psicologia come esempio eclatante del disagio giovanile e non, nonché degli effetti devastanti della pornografia via web.

Salvo rari casi, anonimi famosissimi e non più tali dall'iscrizione di gravi pendenze di reato o personaggi dagli evidentissimi economic interests, the average age has stabilized between 30 and 45 years placing it exactly on the target of so-called "big babies" and "frightened by the middle-aged", they are predominantly women.

The author of the paper is unknown. It is always the mythomaniac Bari or the author of more than 35 clones of my name, the names of organizations that I chair and web domain names. It 's the same woman who has published sources close to the offenses under Articles 600 and 609 cp picture of my son, as well as photos of friends, artists and lawyers with whom I worked over and over again.

the current page, deleted by staff of at least three languages \u200b\u200bin Wikipedia

the cached copy of the written registered by Google on January 13 at 20:23:19

Here a cached copy from Google of what has already been deleted on the German Wikipedia with quote Lacalamita to Cynthia, the woman against whom I am a witness to Pescara for the disabled hemiplegic Marco Franceschetti on the merits of the facts of the removal of the 27,000 members of the Contact Group Facebook in Favor of Stem Cells. That's right: On Facebook it also happens that one of the most famous cases of bad health in Italy, a man which course of action to open brain surgery staff has "lost" part of the crown (in all the newspapers a few years ago), is affected by the theft of his "band of hope." Obviously, my testimony will be given due respect for the freedom and the suffering of others, but I do not believe "all" in the "miracle stem. Tomorrow exposed, even though taken courteous contacts with all concerned.

As for me I have to say that I have the conscience perfectly calm, as I also tried to pull the woman out of the trouble that had been thrown by the people of Sardinia and the crew of porn peer to peer illegal (those steal the film in a cinema), as evidenced by the list of emails below.

Nevertheless, thirty-two against Bari, who deliberately made me subject to months of pressing attentions of his morbid reaching confidences probably invented its own "unwanted pregnancy, I had recently groped contact with the family by telegram.


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