Facebook: how many memories in the eyes of Justice

Those of today where some people write:
"Occi the backside! ... When you attack, you attack!"
"Occi the backside! ... When you attack, you attack!"

And those of yesterday, the same handful of people involved, 31 August 2009.
Daily Justice's Secret is that it does not need to do anything behind, since what has been done before is more than enough. And I, that is a prudent and diligent girl, register yourself, your friends and all the factions of crime that you used to commit crimes from August 2009.
Hundreds of pages filled with not even veiled insults, incitement to commit a crime
and anything else you know to have written.
All this, in the practice of those who believe in justice is called:
"mirror technique"
And I'm just a faithful recorder.
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