Yumeshima Chan Tales, the exploits of porn actor
Cusy: why vanilla is op?
Third_Eye: blowjobs ...
Cusy: ah ok, same old story
Third_Eye: blowjobs ...
Cusy: ah ok, same old story

What's "Tales chan"? The name says, these are the "tales of Yumeshima.net chan", the records della pornografia, dell'adescamento e della falsificazione del "rubato al cinema" a cura di Sorbi e dei membri della crew.
Di seguito una rapida carrellata di screen, che ben dimostrano il genere di chattate della crew di post produzione illegale del p2p denominata Yumeshima.net.
Quando noti i nickname saranno evidenziati con il nome.
E' giusto dire che: Non c'è niente di simile in numerosissime altre crew del fansub italiano, che con yumeshima e gli ex tntfansub ora shinsei-kai non vogliono avere niente a che fare. Inoltre sono stati messi fuori dalle maggiori board del file sharing illegale per molestie ai danni degli utenti: sicuramente dalla board torrent Colombo bt e da TNT Village .
The question for everyone is: "where are the parents of these kids?"

Moment mother to guess who
[14:07 ] has joined # * BoogiepopSan yumeshima.net
Boo Shit [14:44] dick?
[14:44] Fuck you
[14:44] but you're still in withdrawal?
[14:44] But it '
ah [14:45] Because I was? 0_o
[14:45] the last time, yes
[14:45] Boh
[14:45] by almost 1 full day
[14:45] I feel
a minimum wage [14:45] Haha
[14:45] fact drooling and raving
lol [14:45] Ahahahahahahah
[14:45] You really think I should stay dry
[14:46] and even in those conditions you have not given to the rat ..
lol [14:46] Just because you did not ask please
haha \u200b\u200b[14:46] Otherwise I would have also given
ass [14:46] lol
[14:47] madonna're nerds.
[14:47] And the fuck comes from my immaculate conception?
[14:47] baby Cusy
[14:47] ...
lol [14:47] Sorry, I'm going to cut my veins
haha \u200b\u200b[14:48]
E, remaining Theme: [14:16]
Boo Shit [14:44]
[14:44] Fuck you
[14:44] But it
ah [14:45]
[14:45] I feel
a minimum wage [14:45] Haha
lol [14:45]
lol [14:46]
haha \u200b\u200b[14:46]
ass [14:46] lol
[14:47] madonna
[14:47] And the fuck
lol [14:47]
haha \u200b\u200b[14:48]
[11:46] 'day
[11:50] Hello nice Cusy.
[11:50] Cusy: boobies!
[11:54] * Ajna rapizza Cusy ...
[11:54] oh, do not provoke me with the spring so as
[11:54] Haha
[11:50] Hello nice
[11:54] * Ajna rapizza Cusy ...
[11:54] Haha
I chose this song because it shows some good special "excellent." First, there appear all the "major players" and one of the minors become of age in the flock: Cusy , aka Daniel Cusinato of 19 years, that is, the guy who is "rapizzato" - "tortured" in the text by Ajna .
Ajna is the nickname for the chan Giacomo Sorbi , the former administrator of the board Viareggio Italy Zip - The Best Dragon, and himself to publish their achievements using the well-known account Third_Eye.
Eleniny is Elena Chamber , prov. Novara. I do not know the name of the thirty-two women, but the accountant is a real Novara incontinent and I can contribute to its identification with the bank's name used in business and many other small details. This woman is known as the "diaries Lauraleye" and is a regular contributor of Dream & Manga World ( www. mangadreamworld . Com /).
I've dubbed the "phallic accountants belt", because it does have one, and uses it with his friends, especially with the Sorbs. It 's the most violent and vulgar among all women of Yumeshima.
Boogiepop is a boy or BoogiepopSan Ligurian age as falling between 25 and 30 years, son of the owner of a pizzeria. He suffered the seizure of his computer for possession of child pornography in August 2008 and complained about the "costs" to collect material from his computer seized. Most likely the person was convicted in 2009 for the typical crimes of child pornography, and his case already belongs to chronicle one of the many "seizures" of the river police. A
Boogiepop as Sorbi belong circuits similar to this: [Pink Newz] Thread a cura di Sapphire che riporta sul forum Yumeshima.net quanto di pubblicato sul blog WordPress (il link è inattivo, che vi credete) in area Hentai, Doujin e altra pornografia e pedopornografia di origine giapponese di genere da "adescamento minori".
Sono famose inoltre le recenzioni agli hentai più trash del Sorbi , come si può leggere qui: [Review] [Hentai] [Trash] Battle Can-can (AKA Battle Can2) , che si uniscono con la "naturalezza" demenziale nell'adescamento minori di Maharid (proofreader), who plays with the "Pokemon" and exchange them with other users, see here: Just click on Pokemon;)

These guys, so active and dynamic in everything that is criminal in the web, they could not appeal to the triad of luridoni of PVF (plain vanilla fagot, the acronym pro homosexual pedophiles), ie the Promotux of Gallus and Meloni in Selangor, Cagliari.
It is clear what the two were seeking master of pornography on those computers and the power of sharing two internet points (Brescia Albanian grillino and Viareggio).

Concludo dicendo che di operatori dell'antipedofilia dai gruppi facebook legati a questo circuito ne ho cacciati parecchi, ma non sono riuscita con il gruppo legato ad Aurelia Passaseo, l'unica operatrice dell'antipedofilia in Italia ad essere "condannata" per detenzione di materiale pedopornografico. Se Aurelia di persona sembra una persona corretta, i suoi tirapiedi sono assolutamente dello stesso genere del gruppetto dei furti dei Gruppi sulle Staminali in Facebook. Gente pronta a tutto e non mi piace che siano pronti a tutto pur di far fuori Frassi. Io personalmente non lo sopporto, ma da qui a mettersi con i pedofili ne corre...
Infatti c'è una differenza sostanziale tra me e Aurelia: io denuncio the lines of true crime and associations of people contextualizing them in the environments, do not download porn and not by the sites where soil material is exchanged. That is the work of the Postal Police. For me, when the apology of the crime of pedophilia is visible there is no doubt that also takes place "circumvention". And I always right.
We say Genchi, why it deemed appropriate to head for such a common flower of pedophiles, I saw it on facebook account at least 6, the two most acclaimed of yumeshima. For all
The greatest revenge in Japan against the Western world as a result of the suffering and death due to 60 years radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to have reintroduced the "pedophilia" in cultures that had banned thousands of years earlier.
Loredana Morandi, dixit
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