Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Article 414 bis - Minor. House, bill to combat child exploitation here is the new crimes
pedophiles and 'ARRIVED YOUR TIME!
Now do hello, hello with his hand ...
eye to detail: are the signatures of the manifesto against cyberbullying Morandi. Given that the writing is bunch of "F" and bears the signature of "P" and "Vanilla", the triad of the acronym attracts pedophiles "PVF" is signed in full and he does with Third_Eye (Giacomo Sorbi), Nina77 (Anna De Natale) and Topinacuriosa (animator chats and hard about Azzurra.org Rizon.net, residing in northern Italy, unknown).
The new Article 414 bis cp
Minor. Camera, Bill against child abuse here is the new crimes
Minor. Camera, Bill against child abuse here is the new crimes
January 18, 2010
Rome, January 18 - Part in the classroom of the House debate on the bill of ratification of the Convention of Lanzarote, the first international instrument to combat child exploitation and child pornography.
The measure of 'effect to the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Lanzarote made October 25, 2007, and setting standards of adapting internal introducing news 'in the penal code, such as new cases of pedophilia and child pornography, cultural or grooming over the internet. The bill also makes it more 'severe penalties for child abuse.
Here's what the text contains nine articles all over, on Thursday dismissed 'from the last commissioni riunite Giustizia e Affari esteri e che ora attende il via libera dell'aula.
Il nuovo articolo 414-bis (pedofilia e pedopornografia culturale) punisce con la reclusione da tre a cinque anni chiunque, con qualsiasi mezzo, anche telematico, e con qualsiasi forma di espressione, pubblicamente istiga a commettere reati di prostituzione minorile, di pornografia minorile e detenzione di materiale pedo-pornografico, di violenza sessuale nei confronti di bambini e di corruzione.
Alla stessa pena soggiace anche chi pubblicamente fa l'apologia di questi delitti.
E' un'altra novita'. Il delitto di adescamento di minorenni viene sanzionato con la reclusione da uno a tre anni. Per adescamento si intende qualsiasi atto volto a carpire la fiducia del minore attraverso artifici, lusinghe o minacce posti in essere anche mediante l'utilizzo della rete internet o di altre reti o mezzi di comunicazione.
L'Italia designa il ministero dell'Interno come autorita' nazionale responsabile al fine della registrazione e conservazione dei dati nazionali sui condannati per reati sessuali.
È punito con imprisonment from six to twelve years and a fine ranging from € 15,000 to € 150,000 anyone, rookie or induces a person of age into prostitution 'less than eighteen years, promotes, uses, manages, organizes and controls the prostitution of a person's age 'less than eighteen years of age, or otherwise profiting. Any person who commits sexual acts with a child between 14 and 18 years in exchange for a monetary consideration or other benefit ', even promised, and' punished with imprisonment from six months to four years and a fine of € 1,500 to € 6,000. If the child has not attained the age of 16 years, the pain and 'increased by a third to a half'. In the case of child prostitution will be 'ruled out a settlement.
punishment and 'fell from third to the goal' against those who, having contributed to the crime, is working to ensure that the activities' criminal be brought to additional consequences, or if it helps the authority practice 'police or the authorities' court in the collection of conclusive evidence for the detection or capture of other culprits.
The application of the death sentence or at the request of the parties in any case entails permanent exclusion from any office in the schools of all levels, and from any office or service in institutions or public or private structures traditionally used by minors. The other accessory penalties are as follows: disqualification from public office for five years, loss of parental rights, permanent exclusion from any office relating to the protection, care or management assistance; loss of the right to food and exclusion from the succession of the victim.
Aggravating FOR RELATIVES, LIVING, educators, teachers:
are provided for those who commit sexual acts with children to whom he has a position of authority 'or influence. The text thus' reads as follows: the ascending, the parent, including adopted children, or his partner, guardian, or other person to whom, per ragioni di cura, di educazione, di istruzione, di vigilanza o di custodia, il minore e' affidato, o che abbia, con quest'ultimo, una relazione di convivenza che, con l'abuso dei poteri connessi alla sua posizione, compie atti sessuali con persona minore che ha compiuto gli anni sedici, e' punito con la reclusione da tre a sei anni. La stessa pena e' inflitta a chiunque fa assistere un minore di 14 anni al compimento di atti sessuali, o se mostra allo stesso materiale pornografico al fine di indurlo a compiere o a subire atti sessuali. Anche in questo caso la pena e' aumentata fino alla meta' quando il colpevole approfitti della sua posizione di influenza o autorita' sul minore.
In the case of recording evidence for the investigation of child prostitution, child pornography, possession of child pornography, sex tourism, sexual violence and sexual assault group sexual acts with children, taking the testimony of a child under 16 years may 'also be outside the courtroom. Sara 'the court shall determine the place, time and ways' through which particular steps of recording evidence. To this end, the court can 'place or at special facilities or, failing that, at the minor's home.
Victims abuse may be admitted to practice in derogation from the limits of income.
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