Sunday, January 31, 2010

Details Of Motion Sensor

San-chan's profile Giuseppe Di Spirito
+ damages to two judges

Since instantly have already amply demonstrated the relationship very personal between Giacomo Sorbi (aka Ajna, Third_Eye) and Anna De Natale (Anneja, Nina77, Nina & Luciagnolo, Magnolia, Italianpie + domains or less 77 years) with Stefano Zanetti, technical adviser to the part of Mr. Pino The Monica trial for abusi ai danni di minori ed egli stesso indagato per subornazione dei testimoni in quel processo a Reggio Emilia.

Mi domando cosa mai abbia sul computer una come San-chan, da sempre dedita al genere anime yaoi (omosex in giapponese) e alla recensione di altri video trash da adescamento minori pro pedofili, ovvero i generi hentai e doujin (le copie hard dei cartoon famosi), da ritenere di esser più "protetta" nei suoi vizi dall'iscrizione nella lista amici di Giuseppe Di Spirito.

Giuseppe Di Spirito è l'hacker del Tribunale di Napoli e colui che mi avrebbe indotta con raggiro a dare il falso sul licenziamento di Edoardo Triolo ai danni di una senatrice del Partito Democratico e dei lavoratori tutti e onesti della CM Sistemi (che are obviously not suspects in the famous "Why Not" process, but when seen from a deprived Triolo accompanied by a blogger as Luigi de Magistris must certainly have made a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow things really go in Italy, though the point is to keep falsify reactions of printing processes and lied to the press for the benefit of a wealthy law firm of fraudulent Reggio Calabria).

course of his long friendship with San-chan Third_Eye, born Giacomo Sorbi, must have played a lot in this registration. Just like the exposure to commit crimes of Martha Girardelli, the 22-year-old used by Sorbi for relations with pedophiles and other junk.

In the group where the girl is San-chan relations with the lobby of pedophiles are likely to produce even a recommendation for the award of "a place in the bank" to the porn actor Giacomo Sorbi, one year from the pay of international crime and porn and Pirate Bay for nothing except hand a couple of short degree courses in subjects not even suited to the banking sector: the open source and "marketing" in the "Catholic Church". Just for the record: the rooms of the "Monster of Florence" was from Tuscany, close to the EU anti-clericals and freemasons, who has recommended that at Banca Intesa San Paolo?

Yeah, sure. On that list there are also Gioacchino Genchi and FP CGIL, but it is fair to say that justice account FPcgil can document the relationships con "Simone Sissimo Neuro" a far data con il 3 settembre 2009 (l'altro napoletano sindacalista è su quei gruppi fin dall'inizio). Del notissimo tenutario dell'archivio invece si possono tranquillamente denunciare le parole "pro pedofili" date a minuti 11:10 del video distribuito proprio dal Di Spirito e rilanciato anche a titolo intimidatorio sulle luridissime pagine di Maxi Fasso e Sissimo Neuro, due tra i frequentatori abituali dei blog pro pedofili "ilgiustiziere-lafabbricadeimostri" e "giustiziaintelligente" del circuito "Falsi Abusi", il primo di Zanetti e il secondo dell'avvocato che ha lasciato Pino La Monica (sotto accusa anche per detenzione di materiale pedopornografico) nell'ottobre scorso, "Ugo".

Per carità. In that list of "friends" also appears Massimiliano Alice, but I was only interested in saying it "Maxi Fasso" is his pro cloners for pedophile slander. It 's why I made a complaint via Carabinieri and with all the complaints that he did NOT say something different. E cmq no, do not argue, do not read his books and I even learned of the existence after his clone, but also disturbs me how he and the association of gloating disturbing publicity given by "cloning" even against the Morandi and Don Di Noto, whose photos graced Blog Maxi Fasso while its not to full public examples of people who are believed to be really dangerous to a pedophile network. Further proof lies in the fact that the same Zanetti never appeared under his real name in malicious acts against me.

At the screen with my picture and my slogan "Married to a morality campaign immediately apparent in your behavior" in red pedophiles circuit False Abuse and partners Pirate Bay / SessoChannel; green 's Computer ATU; blue the author of the launch of a proposal for SPAM to the prosecuting authorities in August 2009. Convince , these are not the healthy forces of the country and not resemble either!

At the magistrates are two intertwined double-strap people who have used Codest collaborations: Dr. Giovanbattista Tona (founder of the facebook group in his name Luigi Amico, personal relationships with the person in Alice clone) and the blogger magistrate Felice Lima (founder of the facebook group dedicated to him Of Spirit and a Giorgio Gaber , alias Joseph Gusberti probably alias Ohmsford Bek, etc., etc. ...).

ensure that both, sooner or later you will download and hard. They will even awaken the conscience constitutional and "see" the damage to their offense, even if they do not see in real time the offense with Loredana Morandi for reasons unknown to me.

will happen has already happened, just as it did with an opening to the disobedience of a few years ago, which was dramatically betrayed the intent of the Act all'autodenuncia push an entire generation of students. Yes, exactly, is the case that reminded Benedetti, because in that case, the judiciary, "distraught", perhaps more than the statements of the Premier, had to deliver over 657 penal order. All thanks to the misguided policies of a party and it was I who issue the "stop, because you are betrayed," then as now.

The apology istigatoria crimes of pedophilia and domestic violence can be documented instead. Has also documented the reaction of the Sorbs, Dallaturca and De Natale, and pedophiles who hide under the names Sissimo Neuro Maxi Fasso and that instantly publish photos of my child's way of intimidation. For I am convinced that even Crocetta will be caught up in stories of pedophilia and people that are intended to be covered by the magistrates in their vices. Fear is an ugly beast, but what kind of judges would Codest whether to get a bit 'of popularity spotted some acquaintances? Especially note: the two victims togate could be the apex of the career of those who with the works of the profession defame the judiciary.

Everything you say about me is false: I believe that the Home Office still has my application for the competition in the Police (and I have a copy), as well as staff members will recall certainly tired and scared of the stock return from the scene of the murder of Paolo Borsellino, a girl from a family with a Colonel and a General in arming the police, who instead of making the work of crime from your computer such as San-chan served their "lemonade" cold in Calabria in the house that once belonged to a President of the Supreme Court. E 'diversity to be congenital and indispensable participant in a heroic past Italian protected under a Legge e l'essere nipote di un senatore e garibaldino che ha fatto l'Italia, se per sempre io potrò snobbare persone cattive e violente come la Morgantini (anche sul profilo di Di Spirito) che pagano pubblicamente i debiti di certi partiti con la storia degli anni di piombo ed imposero al Parlamento Europeo la presenza della irriducibile della colonna armata napoletana delle BR , in relazioni con la Nuova Camorra Organizzata di Cutolo, che uccise il poliziotto Antonio Ammaturo e l'agente Pasquale Paola .

l'istigazione a delinquere si manifesta quando qualcuno delinque a seguito di invito

Mi minaccia Genchi dall'abuso of a classroom of Justice?

Sure, I'm afraid for myself and for my children, since we are threatened. But nothing he can change my opinion to have witnessed a crime, even against public morals and the dishonesty of a Neapolitan and Sicilian little more than bloggers.

Basically, all the interests of the Pirate Bay site and the online porn business are against Morandi, I'm online all the blogs run by friends of San-chan, and even online is the "crime of apology" to the exploitation Unina of embezzlement in use, the university server owned by the Italian State to the publication of September 10, 2008 at The Naples group Epolis, signed statements containing Ciro Pellegrino the leader of the CSI Federico II of Naples.

The lies and crimes have short legs, independently of the individuals involved or soiled.

E San-chan with his homosexual pedophile interests wire is on the profile of Giuseppe Di Spirit to demonstrate the use and abuse the fact that poor server. But above all if these people wanted to prove again and again the interest of the choice of homosexual pedophiles in the circuit, then with "San-chan."

So, here are 2 years of illegal file-sharing network irc Miss "San-chan" on "irc chan # yumeshima; # Shinsei-kai; #; Mangadreamworld #, # so now transferred on Rizon.

Sat February 24 14:19:03 2007 (CONNECT): San-chan ( [] {1}

Sat Jan 26 14:52:05 2008 (CONNECT): San-chan ( [] { 1}

because "everybody" will be given in order to preserve the memory that was me, besides getting to delink the Unina , to make even disconnect the server from Radio Marte Stereo Network and I could easily switch to another at any time ... For that I thank your

Cinzia, Di Spirito Luigi Amico and because I have more time since the illegal trade me promise not to use Facebook for the sole investigation.

Friday, January 29, 2010

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That's it!

From now know that I work exclusively for this.

In just one weekend you've been placed, and the u porcu cumpari, the aspirant D'Addario, Burini cleaned the exploiters, the horror of supporters and even the ogres magnet and other garbage from the street.

The last Saturday and Monday you.

Tomorrow: Banca Intesa San Paolo and family and social services to Bari and Viareggio.

E ' that aspect too.

A ripassatina also a vote of exchange, as one goes to the regional.

Then attack.

the way, I challenge you to prove that no mention of me on


(Authors: Giovanni Battista Gallus, Giacomo Sorbi, Gianluca Dallaturca, Davide Rizzo, Marta Girardelli, Anna De Natale, Francesco Meloni & co)

and Dunadicacca

by Anna De Natale and partners

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Stalking against children Loredana Morandi

Nth stalking against today's episode of my children. Comes about because today these same people were reported to me for the third time in 18 months, whereas what is on the Prosecution of Cagliari, a complaint to the Municipal Police of Viareggio - forwarded to the Postal Police Lucca and today at the police station in Rome.

This weekend I was particularly productive, because Sunday morning, I settled accounts with others by analogy with the genus and species are unprecedented in the Court of Pescara. And today I have done to give my contribution for all authors of Biagioquotidiano and other species of exploiters.

But let's see how the crime is overt persecution and slander against me and against my family by the authors of Biagioquotidiano reported. So, with a "poll".

The general character of the text is obviously derogatory towards me and act to create the false belief that I am a bad mother.

You must know, then, that Italy even if in agony political - institutional and two bad investments in the European Parliament, has introduced a new penal code article with Decree Law 38/2009 11/2009 converted thereby establishing the canons of legal punishment of a crime.

The DL 11/2009, converted into Law Number 38/2009 which introduces into our law to Article 612 bis of the Penal Code provides for punishment up to 4 years, plus an increase of the sentence of the "half maximum" or two years, where stalking is designed to harm minors.

punishment that the prosecutor will ask for a total of 6 years with a round, even visible except the crime of association (art. 416 cp)

Everyone knows that I am divorced and single mother, about this game today slander against me and those of my children. But I'm not

Daily Justice case. Less known fact is that many years ago I had won the appeal to bring the process of recognition against the biological father, putting the bank in the future for my children the right to take legal action for the economic support not enjoyed in 'absence of the parent.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

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Facebook: how many memories in the eyes of Justice

Those of today where some people write:

"Occi the backside! ... When you attack, you attack!"

And those of yesterday, the same handful of people involved, 31 August 2009.

Daily Justice's Secret is that it does not need to do anything behind, since what has been done before is more than enough. And I, that is a prudent and diligent girl, register yourself, your friends and all the factions of crime that you used to commit crimes from August 2009.

Hundreds of pages filled with not even veiled insults, incitement to commit a crime
and anything else you know to have written.

All this, in the practice of those who believe in justice is called:

"mirror technique"

And I'm just a faithful recorder.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

The offense? There he is!

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my detailed complaint è pronta

Gentili lettori,

Sapevamo tutti fin dall'inizio che avrei dovuto denunciare anch'io l'organizzazione del famoso furto del "Gruppo a Favore delle Cellule Staminali per Malattie Gravi su Facebook", sottratto ad agosto al grande invalido della mala sanità italiana Marco Franceschetti.

Una sottrazione " della speranza nelle staminali ", operata per vil denaro, stante egli fosse rimasto gravemente offeso nell'anima e nel corpo reso emiplegico da un intervento a cervello aperto, durante il quale lo staff chirurgico ha perduto parte della sua calotta cranica.

Nulla fermò nell'agosto scorso quella gente, neppure the recent earthquake in Abruzzo, which certainly could Franceschetti from Pescara "fear" in full.

We did not expect, however, that my complaint had stimulated so much bloody. Please

meanwhile enjoy reading my articles: professionally correct, moderate and marked by dialogue between the parties.

FaceBook and the Yellow Stem, An Open Letter to Chiarelettere

Facebook: The Yellow Group for Stem - the responses and adjustments

But no ears who do not want to hear ...

I guarantee right now that this process will be in Rome, which in Pescara.

Even and especially in Following the recent developments and damage.

And everyone will know the criminal use of the world's most famous socialnetwork:

Facebook, where the two authors of the same publishing house were respectively Played uttering "condoning of crimes of pedophilia" and beds for having "published the 'use of criminal pedophiles and its wire circuits and support to the suspects child abuse ", with characters on trial until the attempted bribery of witnesses of the violence in innocent children.

No, not denounce them together, too easy.

And, yes, I have the right to free legal advice in accordance with DL 11/2009. Previous

instead sono datati 28 agosto 2009 in Pescara.

A proposito: i bambini non sono ammessi nelle aule di Tribunale.

Niente foto a conclamare gli illeciti di commercio.

Loredana Morandi

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venerdì, gennaio 22, 2010

Voi due attente

- per il numero di pedofili che frequentate -

- e per quelli che avete scelto volontariamente di avere sui profili -

Perché si tratta di soli fan di Pollon.

Vedere per credere la lista delle pagine di M.P.

o gli amichetti del porno attore di Viareggio

ed è uguale anche se manda gli amici

perché questi sono i contenuti che diffondono questi personaggi

e questo chi vi ricorda?

ma il "porno attore", naturalmente...

PVF (plain vanilla faggot) è un acronimo che indica con precisione nel web un pedofilo omosessuale, così vi domando: what would be the man?

frankly and to congratulate with the language is elevated in evidence given publicly, it is to believe that child happened to be in the hands of a commercial chat porn ...

Above all, we go along you see:

you for this document.

And when I decide, to enroll the names imperishable memory.

In order to be "Justice"!

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Loredana Morandi on Wikipedia?
No defamation is always

La mia vicenda umana, 18 mesi di stalking subito e conclamatosi in una recentissima e plateale truffa con risvolti fin anti sindacali e di inaudita meschinità, ovvero il gravosissimo "strascico" dell'aver dato alla stampa lo scandalo del Centro Elettronico dell'Università Federico II di Napoli i cui server erano da 4 anni in rete IRC per il file sharing illegale, può senz'altro essere mostrata ad un pubblico di studenti di psicologia come esempio eclatante del disagio giovanile e non, nonché degli effetti devastanti della pornografia via web.

Salvo rari casi, anonimi famosissimi e non più tali dall'iscrizione di gravi pendenze di reato o personaggi dagli evidentissimi economic interests, the average age has stabilized between 30 and 45 years placing it exactly on the target of so-called "big babies" and "frightened by the middle-aged", they are predominantly women.

The author of the paper is unknown. It is always the mythomaniac Bari or the author of more than 35 clones of my name, the names of organizations that I chair and web domain names. It 's the same woman who has published sources close to the offenses under Articles 600 and 609 cp picture of my son, as well as photos of friends, artists and lawyers with whom I worked over and over again.

the current page, deleted by staff of at least three languages \u200b\u200bin Wikipedia

the cached copy of the written registered by Google on January 13 at 20:23:19

Here a cached copy from Google of what has already been deleted on the German Wikipedia with quote Lacalamita to Cynthia, the woman against whom I am a witness to Pescara for the disabled hemiplegic Marco Franceschetti on the merits of the facts of the removal of the 27,000 members of the Contact Group Facebook in Favor of Stem Cells. That's right: On Facebook it also happens that one of the most famous cases of bad health in Italy, a man which course of action to open brain surgery staff has "lost" part of the crown (in all the newspapers a few years ago), is affected by the theft of his "band of hope." Obviously, my testimony will be given due respect for the freedom and the suffering of others, but I do not believe "all" in the "miracle stem. Tomorrow exposed, even though taken courteous contacts with all concerned.

As for me I have to say that I have the conscience perfectly calm, as I also tried to pull the woman out of the trouble that had been thrown by the people of Sardinia and the crew of porn peer to peer illegal (those steal the film in a cinema), as evidenced by the list of emails below.

Nevertheless, thirty-two against Bari, who deliberately made me subject to months of pressing attentions of his morbid reaching confidences probably invented its own "unwanted pregnancy, I had recently groped contact with the family by telegram.

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Just for the record: This

how dare you?

But the frenzy continues

steps salient

"psychotropic drugs and a man"

to "you" ... "Is"

I know Mr. Andrea Mazzoleni from the web and it seems a decent person and friendly. I wrote during my statement in favor of Mr. Marco Franceschetti, founder of the groups in favor of stem cells for serious diseases and during the seizure of the facebook user with 28,000 contacts. Given the correctness of the person, I published her statement from censoring the content more significant for the lady.

In the writings of this lady, he is cited over and over again for the title of "scoundrel", "mister rogue and the like. I am always referred to as the friend, though not in any way.

I do not believe in the miracle STEM


in fundraising PREVENTIVE

Unfortunately for you:

a) I am a witness of the great void in hemiplegic Mr. Franceschetti about the process that awaits the Lady in Pescara.

b) is only known to me the complaint public and published in the national press of the scandal on the servers of the University of Naples Federico II, used for peer to peer pornography and child pornography.

Everything this woman law are: blogs society Promotux Snc of Selangor, the operator and the domain registrant's web site for storage and exchange of pornographic materials and blogs of their porn actors and pedophiles (eight - 8 - eight) identified by me through Facebook. That

exploiters of Naples made the university server.

Warning: S'Ignora name is not mentioned at all, in order not to allow no association between its name and mine, except those which the lady herself and her friends produced.

Here, we would like to finish a sentence typical of Piero Ricca:

"Without Process, Berlusconi

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Yumeshima Chan Tales, the exploits of porn actor


Cusy: why vanilla is op?
Third_Eye: blowjobs ...
Cusy: ah ok, same old story

What's "Tales chan"? The name says, these are the "tales of chan", the records della pornografia, dell'adescamento e della falsificazione del "rubato al cinema" a cura di Sorbi e dei membri della crew.

Di seguito una rapida carrellata di screen, che ben dimostrano il genere di chattate della crew di post produzione illegale del p2p denominata

Quando noti i nickname saranno evidenziati con il nome.

E' giusto dire che: Non c'è niente di simile in numerosissime altre crew del fansub italiano, che con yumeshima e gli ex tntfansub ora shinsei-kai non vogliono avere niente a che fare. Inoltre sono stati messi fuori dalle maggiori board del file sharing illegale per molestie ai danni degli utenti: sicuramente dalla board torrent Colombo bt e da TNT Village .

The question for everyone is: "where are the parents of these kids?"

" Reply # 1205 on: March 15, 2009, 16:43:28»

Moment mother to guess who :

[14:07 ] has joined # * BoogiepopSan
Boo Shit [14:44] dick?
[14:44] Fuck you
[14:44] but you're still in withdrawal?
[14:44] But it '
ah [14:45] Because I was? 0_o

[14:45] the last time, yes
[14:45] Boh
[14:45] by almost 1 full day
[14:45] I feel
a minimum wage [14:45] Haha
[14:45] fact drooling and raving
lol [14:45] Ahahahahahahah
[14:45] You really think I should stay dry
[14:46] and even in those conditions you have not given to the rat ..

lol [14:46] Just because you did not ask please
haha \u200b\u200b[14:46] Otherwise I would have also given
ass [14:46] lol
[14:47] madonna 're nerds.
[14:47] And the fuck comes from my immaculate conception?
[14:47] baby Cusy

[14:47] ...
lol [14:47] Sorry, I'm going to cut my veins
haha \u200b\u200b[14:48]

E, remaining Theme:

[11:46] 'day
[11:50] Hello nice Cusy.
[11:50] Cusy: boobies!
[11:54] * Ajna rapizza Cusy ...

[11:54] oh, do not provoke me with the spring so as ...
[11:54] Haha


I chose this song because it shows some good special "excellent." First, there appear all the "major players" and one of the minors become of age in the flock: Cusy , aka Daniel Cusinato of 19 years, that is, the guy who is "rapizzato" - "tortured" in the text by Ajna .

Ajna is the nickname for the chan Giacomo Sorbi , the former administrator of the board Viareggio Italy Zip - The Best Dragon, and himself to publish their achievements using the well-known account Third_Eye.


Eleniny is Elena Chamber , prov. Novara. I do not know the name of the thirty-two women, but the accountant is a real Novara incontinent and I can contribute to its identification with the bank's name used in business and many other small details. This woman is known as the "diaries Lauraleye" and is a regular contributor of Dream & Manga World ( www. mangadreamworld . Com /).
I've dubbed the "phallic accountants belt", because it does have one, and uses it with his friends, especially with the Sorbs. It 's the most violent and vulgar among all women of Yumeshima.

Cusy and Elena

Boogiepop is a boy or BoogiepopSan Ligurian age as falling between 25 and 30 years, son of the owner of a pizzeria. He suffered the seizure of his computer for possession of child pornography in August 2008 and complained about the "costs" to collect material from his computer seized. Most likely the person was convicted in 2009 for the typical crimes of child pornography, and his case already belongs to chronicle one of the many "seizures" of the river police. A

Boogiepop as Sorbi belong circuits similar to this: [Pink Newz] Thread a cura di Sapphire che riporta sul forum quanto di pubblicato sul blog WordPress (il link è inattivo, che vi credete) in area Hentai, Doujin e altra pornografia e pedopornografia di origine giapponese di genere da "adescamento minori".

Maharid, ultra trentenne sardo

Sono famose inoltre le recenzioni agli hentai più trash del Sorbi , come si può leggere qui: [Review] [Hentai] [Trash] Battle Can-can (AKA Battle Can2) , che si uniscono con la "naturalezza" demenziale nell'adescamento minori di Maharid (proofreader), who plays with the "Pokemon" and exchange them with other users, see here: Just click on Pokemon;)

These guys, so active and dynamic in everything that is criminal in the web, they could not appeal to the triad of luridoni of PVF (plain vanilla fagot, the acronym pro homosexual pedophiles), ie the Promotux of Gallus and Meloni in Selangor, Cagliari.

It is clear what the two were seeking master of pornography on those computers and the power of sharing two internet points (Brescia Albanian grillino and Viareggio).

Concludo dicendo che di operatori dell'antipedofilia dai gruppi facebook legati a questo circuito ne ho cacciati parecchi, ma non sono riuscita con il gruppo legato ad Aurelia Passaseo, l'unica operatrice dell'antipedofilia in Italia ad essere "condannata" per detenzione di materiale pedopornografico. Se Aurelia di persona sembra una persona corretta, i suoi tirapiedi sono assolutamente dello stesso genere del gruppetto dei furti dei Gruppi sulle Staminali in Facebook. Gente pronta a tutto e non mi piace che siano pronti a tutto pur di far fuori Frassi. Io personalmente non lo sopporto, ma da qui a mettersi con i pedofili ne corre...

Infatti c'è una differenza sostanziale tra me e Aurelia: io denuncio the lines of true crime and associations of people contextualizing them in the environments, do not download porn and not by the sites where soil material is exchanged. That is the work of the Postal Police. For me, when the apology of the crime of pedophilia is visible there is no doubt that also takes place "circumvention". And I always right.

We say Genchi, why it deemed appropriate to head for such a common flower of pedophiles, I saw it on facebook account at least 6, the two most acclaimed of yumeshima. For all


The greatest revenge in Japan against the Western world as a result of the suffering and death due to 60 years radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to have reintroduced the "pedophilia" in cultures that had banned thousands of years earlier.

Loredana Morandi, dixit