Thursday, May 29, 2008

Battery Wiring Electric Wheelchair

Lady Vengeance

I still feel the smell. He felt it upon himself, as if it were to become his. As you wash, rubbed vigorously in the shower, the smell would not go away. In the morning, smelling the sheets disgusted. The washed every day, but there was nothing to do.
What I could not hear him was to accept others, even those who loved him. It made her sick.
Claudio had left because of it. He could no longer make love with him, could not even be near him. Not that it was not caring, or had not been patient, she understood that it would take time. For her, however, Time had no meaning. Every day was like another. Had not left the house. He quit his job. Did not attend any more for months. He just go shopping once a week.
It was an afternoon at the supermarket who understood what to do to start living again.
was in the checkout line, trying to smell the lacquer on the white-haired lady in front. Could not. The smell that was persecuted even more intense and could not understand why. At one point the gentleman at the beginning of the line, after filling the shopping bags, he turned to pay. Just saw him my heart jumped in the stomach. It was him. He went out of line with the truck and left him in a lane. He could not lose. She saw him get on a green Toyota Corolla. He ran to the car and started the engine. He managed to reach the first traffic light. Toyota turned to the provincial and after a few minutes they found themselves in the countryside. He tried to keep a certain distance, but it was useless, he could not suspect of being followed. At the first country turned left and after a round parked at the gate of a house.
She went on until the end of the road, then he reversed it and hid fifty yards from the Corolla.
It was decided to wait until was not released again, if only for the night or for the whole next day. After six hours, at a quarter past eleven in the evening, saw the light of the gate come on man get into the car. Started the engine. He also made her the round and found themselves on the main road. There was nobody around. Did not take long to get there. Accelerate more and more until dry. Toyota took a turn on itself and ended up sideways in the road.
opened the door and walked towards the car. The man was down on the steering wheel, blood dripping from his forehead. He was still breathing, but did not appear conscious. Back into the car, with steam coming out of the hood. He backed back for a hundred yards. Then accelerated and this time right in the center door. The air bag exploded in the face and found himself in the middle of fields.
got out of a sore leg and face full of bruises. Came up limping a few steps from what was now only a heap of scrap. Saw the body crushed between the plates. He was dead, now she was sure.
smiled and looked up at the starry sky. He began to breathe the sweet scent of a summer evening. The first summer night of his new life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How Do I Glue Inside Material To Roof Of Car

lead to extreme consequences their decisions can lead to interesting situations, or at least unusual. examples, very popular, abound in daily life, but usually without providing evidence of originality. easily the human soul is carried away from emulation or habit to make the most stupid actions without the latter meet, do not say the court of reason, but at least that of consciousness. indignant rebel denounce the drift of time, or simply continue on our streets without memories, is inherent in the flow of our lives. Direct continue without stumbling, without surprise, or maybe we need is consistency, o meglio il cinismo, di ammirare immobili, dimentichi dell'accaduto, le connessioni, i rapporti di causa ed effetto, in particolar modo quell elementari ed evidenti.

era lungo tempo che la osservavo, forse si era accorta della mia presenza, ma non avrei potuto contare ancora per molto tempo sulla confusione della serata per mascherare la mia indiscrezione. i suoi occhi, sinceri, persi, più scuri del vuoto circostante, scrutavano senza sapere, aspettavano un orizzonte su cui posare desideri e progetti. come in una stanza buia l'incedere è accompagnato dal riverbero della luce che penetra dall'ingresso ma presto svanisce, così l'attesa degli eventi copriva il fluire degli istanti, la cui origine lei non poteva still assumed.

followed the first dances, games of couples who happened to be formed and, at a sign, broke up chasing the auspices of the evening, now waiting for new music, now waiting for the new company. thinking she was mistaken doubly hidden truth, the reality is often too alien to understand the dreams of those who can not choose their own goals. the rate fell, the most intimate movements that took the place of dancing. hours could only glimpse of its changes, covered by couples who, through the lens, permitting only rare frames, the facial expression, body reclined, leaning against the wall. Perhaps at that moment we met.

a still image, a step back, a quick movement, I bypassed the crowd, taking advantage of the few seconds that would have been hidden, she would wait motionless, waiting for the image succesivi between the legs of the dancers, I would have reached and, without speaking, a single gesture and we left the room, a single gesture, and she had all the answers, but now she looked at a blank wall, I walked away while I was trying to lose those memories.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Airpcap Usb Adapter Compatibile Chipsets?

his eyes strangely Adagio Sostenuto

I have not timed, but I can say from experience that they can reach the building 20B, from the office of the building 31C 518L, poor in 7 minutes, on two conditions: primo che mi trovi in fase armonica con l’ascensore, secondo che i colleghi incontrati nel tragitto abbiano un umore disarmonico con il mondo e lascino stare anche me.
Raggomitolo i fili dell’auricolare, pur riconoscendo l’inutilità del gesto e mi ripeto il ritornello che ancora una volta mi ha cantato il Dott. Sharp al telefono con il suo tono direttivo.
Ho promesso di recarmi nel più breve tempo possibile nel suo ufficio, invece sono qui a distrarmi e ad osservare come sia possibile che io mi ritrovi ad ogni squillo a cercare il bandolo, da infilare nell’orecchio, di quella che diventerà una intricata matassa di cavi. Mi stupisco di quanto appaiano innocui gli stessi auricolari adesso che sono ordinatamente avvolti around the cell.
A stroke, two strokes, the electronic agenda points that I have to start getting ready for the joke, soon will be time for my attack.
save, print, move the keyboard from the side with a gesture of a hand round each other and push the final signed report to align it to the edge of the table. Gather arm up and grab odd and even stubborn at the rhythm of the creaking of the printer, quickly redial the correct sequence with skill in the fingers. Do
last look furtive and guilty Messenger icon that today is not my time nor embellished with trills and tremolos nor even now that I need a friendly voice out the choir, he insists to have the color of silence.
I get up, pushing on the armrests of the chair as if to lift me from the ground. I support slow feet, toe, slide them to the end of the shadow of the basket designed by light passing through the glass from the only window never opened.
I stop and look distracted: they are motionless for several minutes in the middle of a room, neatly aligned in a row of shade. Of course the order is not an excuse inactivity, though in these places, the act itself makes it less suspicious. I should probably find a different location in order to steal the profits other moments of distraction.
unfortunately I must admit that in this company a line drawn from the sun does not enjoy the same dignity and authority of other lines, alongside which you can afford to indulge undisturbed and, at the discretion of the employee, with a hint of legitimate pride. It would certainly be easier if I were aligned rows of first order such as those drawn in the locker room that separates those who dress according to the procedure from the others, clothing and just, or even better, I should stand next to rows of round stones and white, who knows how stolen fable, that protect smokers from four-leaf clover genetically modified.
is not an easy concept to understand for the layman, but I can say that if you were a musician would be as if on a score eighths and sixteenths were written on both sides of an accidental turn of the card, instead of the stave. I smile and think that someone could play the most creative, daring
... I look forward and I decide that I do not have enough time to see if, in my case, the arrogant stance to improve my career prospects.
Adagio movements but with a sustained rhythm I continue returning to the workplace.
The left hand turn invigorates the hair and the right look for the dark jacket over the back of the chair.
The phone is already mysteriously slipped into the pocket, I feel it only from the unbalanced weight of the garment, reposing in the pocket will restore the balance opposite the keyring collar business. I have officially decided not to put it more when I have the neck replaced with a type equipped with an aperture of security according to law, designed to reduce the risk of hanging and unlikely incidents.
exorcise macabre visions of my head stuck between the collar and the doors of the metro on the move, attack several charms, keys, keys, badges, pagers, gadgets for achievements, but especially for those not reached (my favorite!). E 'became a noisy bunch, not easy to lose, the complex transformation has given him a new sound identity. Now my neck produce an agreement, perhaps an arpeggio, which accompanies me dance daily. There are far more loyal to the alpha-numeric code printed on the shirts.
A last look at the terminal where I see the reflection profile of the glasses and not just go down with his eyes along the line of the nose to the mouth, my. I do not like it. So I decide 'to change the image of the lips, closing them, preventing unruly incisors and opening there. The oval face is now inscribed in the rectangle of the screen, I conclude by placing the portrait symmetrically with both hands the hair on the sides of those ears. From behind the door comes
indisputable signal of the lift floor. I remember the bet made with time and I hasten. With
the left hand corner of the desk I go leaning toward the handle, first achieved by the right hand and then the body that by making a half turn on itself, with the crossing of one foot behind the other, also automatically closes the door of 'office.
As planned I am on the path of the sliding doors of the lift, framed in the foreground of the photocell. I smile.
Following a shooting and a ringing and within the vacuum chamber. I lean against the wall soft tipping the scales back on his heels, the calf muscles are so 'argument that complain of a subtle pleasure. Pinch the zero key and let myself be carried away by dull melody, well oiled, it should be lower up to the plane land where I take, but not too happy, my way.
breathe and I feel in perfect harmony with the space and time! Well!
my heels to pace chime on freshly polished marble interior of the building 20B, right before the closed door of Dr.. Sharp.
Here I give myself a series of syncopated breaths with emotion, it is time for my break, it starts the solo hero. I focus
lowering both arms along the body. I inhale and sit motionless in front of Dr. gesticulating. Sharp. I exhale and listen.
I'm praying in silence.
title: "Sharing". Act One: "Assertiveness".
eyes, unfortunately their my, unprepared decide to improvise, leaving a scene that could be titled: "The Perplexity." Subtitle: "Where the fuck are over?".
A voice out of the room yells, "Good first."
A voice inside me says, "We should see at least a second before judging whether it is good." I decide to keep quiet and think, "I will not be sure I explain to the dr. Sharp just that we chemists and engineers in a multinational pharmaceutical company and not a heavy singers, dancers, musicians of an orchestra in an opera house. Do not confess to anyone that we are deaf and clumsy actors of a work entitled "Creativity e nuovi modelli aziendali” che il Dott. Sharp in persona ha deciso di mettere in scena per la fine di quest’anno.
Cosi’ rimango in silenzio, nella speranza che non mi metta a suonare i campanelli... forse è più probabile i citofoni, ma di un’altra azienda farmaceutica, alla ricerca di una parte in una altra commedia!