Thursday, May 29, 2008

Battery Wiring Electric Wheelchair

Lady Vengeance

I still feel the smell. He felt it upon himself, as if it were to become his. As you wash, rubbed vigorously in the shower, the smell would not go away. In the morning, smelling the sheets disgusted. The washed every day, but there was nothing to do.
What I could not hear him was to accept others, even those who loved him. It made her sick.
Claudio had left because of it. He could no longer make love with him, could not even be near him. Not that it was not caring, or had not been patient, she understood that it would take time. For her, however, Time had no meaning. Every day was like another. Had not left the house. He quit his job. Did not attend any more for months. He just go shopping once a week.
It was an afternoon at the supermarket who understood what to do to start living again.
was in the checkout line, trying to smell the lacquer on the white-haired lady in front. Could not. The smell that was persecuted even more intense and could not understand why. At one point the gentleman at the beginning of the line, after filling the shopping bags, he turned to pay. Just saw him my heart jumped in the stomach. It was him. He went out of line with the truck and left him in a lane. He could not lose. She saw him get on a green Toyota Corolla. He ran to the car and started the engine. He managed to reach the first traffic light. Toyota turned to the provincial and after a few minutes they found themselves in the countryside. He tried to keep a certain distance, but it was useless, he could not suspect of being followed. At the first country turned left and after a round parked at the gate of a house.
She went on until the end of the road, then he reversed it and hid fifty yards from the Corolla.
It was decided to wait until was not released again, if only for the night or for the whole next day. After six hours, at a quarter past eleven in the evening, saw the light of the gate come on man get into the car. Started the engine. He also made her the round and found themselves on the main road. There was nobody around. Did not take long to get there. Accelerate more and more until dry. Toyota took a turn on itself and ended up sideways in the road.
opened the door and walked towards the car. The man was down on the steering wheel, blood dripping from his forehead. He was still breathing, but did not appear conscious. Back into the car, with steam coming out of the hood. He backed back for a hundred yards. Then accelerated and this time right in the center door. The air bag exploded in the face and found himself in the middle of fields.
got out of a sore leg and face full of bruises. Came up limping a few steps from what was now only a heap of scrap. Saw the body crushed between the plates. He was dead, now she was sure.
smiled and looked up at the starry sky. He began to breathe the sweet scent of a summer evening. The first summer night of his new life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How Do I Glue Inside Material To Roof Of Car

lead to extreme consequences their decisions can lead to interesting situations, or at least unusual. examples, very popular, abound in daily life, but usually without providing evidence of originality. easily the human soul is carried away from emulation or habit to make the most stupid actions without the latter meet, do not say the court of reason, but at least that of consciousness. indignant rebel denounce the drift of time, or simply continue on our streets without memories, is inherent in the flow of our lives. Direct continue without stumbling, without surprise, or maybe we need is consistency, o meglio il cinismo, di ammirare immobili, dimentichi dell'accaduto, le connessioni, i rapporti di causa ed effetto, in particolar modo quell elementari ed evidenti.

era lungo tempo che la osservavo, forse si era accorta della mia presenza, ma non avrei potuto contare ancora per molto tempo sulla confusione della serata per mascherare la mia indiscrezione. i suoi occhi, sinceri, persi, più scuri del vuoto circostante, scrutavano senza sapere, aspettavano un orizzonte su cui posare desideri e progetti. come in una stanza buia l'incedere è accompagnato dal riverbero della luce che penetra dall'ingresso ma presto svanisce, così l'attesa degli eventi copriva il fluire degli istanti, la cui origine lei non poteva still assumed.

followed the first dances, games of couples who happened to be formed and, at a sign, broke up chasing the auspices of the evening, now waiting for new music, now waiting for the new company. thinking she was mistaken doubly hidden truth, the reality is often too alien to understand the dreams of those who can not choose their own goals. the rate fell, the most intimate movements that took the place of dancing. hours could only glimpse of its changes, covered by couples who, through the lens, permitting only rare frames, the facial expression, body reclined, leaning against the wall. Perhaps at that moment we met.

a still image, a step back, a quick movement, I bypassed the crowd, taking advantage of the few seconds that would have been hidden, she would wait motionless, waiting for the image succesivi between the legs of the dancers, I would have reached and, without speaking, a single gesture and we left the room, a single gesture, and she had all the answers, but now she looked at a blank wall, I walked away while I was trying to lose those memories.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Airpcap Usb Adapter Compatibile Chipsets?

his eyes strangely Adagio Sostenuto

I have not timed, but I can say from experience that they can reach the building 20B, from the office of the building 31C 518L, poor in 7 minutes, on two conditions: primo che mi trovi in fase armonica con l’ascensore, secondo che i colleghi incontrati nel tragitto abbiano un umore disarmonico con il mondo e lascino stare anche me.
Raggomitolo i fili dell’auricolare, pur riconoscendo l’inutilità del gesto e mi ripeto il ritornello che ancora una volta mi ha cantato il Dott. Sharp al telefono con il suo tono direttivo.
Ho promesso di recarmi nel più breve tempo possibile nel suo ufficio, invece sono qui a distrarmi e ad osservare come sia possibile che io mi ritrovi ad ogni squillo a cercare il bandolo, da infilare nell’orecchio, di quella che diventerà una intricata matassa di cavi. Mi stupisco di quanto appaiano innocui gli stessi auricolari adesso che sono ordinatamente avvolti around the cell.
A stroke, two strokes, the electronic agenda points that I have to start getting ready for the joke, soon will be time for my attack.
save, print, move the keyboard from the side with a gesture of a hand round each other and push the final signed report to align it to the edge of the table. Gather arm up and grab odd and even stubborn at the rhythm of the creaking of the printer, quickly redial the correct sequence with skill in the fingers. Do
last look furtive and guilty Messenger icon that today is not my time nor embellished with trills and tremolos nor even now that I need a friendly voice out the choir, he insists to have the color of silence.
I get up, pushing on the armrests of the chair as if to lift me from the ground. I support slow feet, toe, slide them to the end of the shadow of the basket designed by light passing through the glass from the only window never opened.
I stop and look distracted: they are motionless for several minutes in the middle of a room, neatly aligned in a row of shade. Of course the order is not an excuse inactivity, though in these places, the act itself makes it less suspicious. I should probably find a different location in order to steal the profits other moments of distraction.
unfortunately I must admit that in this company a line drawn from the sun does not enjoy the same dignity and authority of other lines, alongside which you can afford to indulge undisturbed and, at the discretion of the employee, with a hint of legitimate pride. It would certainly be easier if I were aligned rows of first order such as those drawn in the locker room that separates those who dress according to the procedure from the others, clothing and just, or even better, I should stand next to rows of round stones and white, who knows how stolen fable, that protect smokers from four-leaf clover genetically modified.
is not an easy concept to understand for the layman, but I can say that if you were a musician would be as if on a score eighths and sixteenths were written on both sides of an accidental turn of the card, instead of the stave. I smile and think that someone could play the most creative, daring
... I look forward and I decide that I do not have enough time to see if, in my case, the arrogant stance to improve my career prospects.
Adagio movements but with a sustained rhythm I continue returning to the workplace.
The left hand turn invigorates the hair and the right look for the dark jacket over the back of the chair.
The phone is already mysteriously slipped into the pocket, I feel it only from the unbalanced weight of the garment, reposing in the pocket will restore the balance opposite the keyring collar business. I have officially decided not to put it more when I have the neck replaced with a type equipped with an aperture of security according to law, designed to reduce the risk of hanging and unlikely incidents.
exorcise macabre visions of my head stuck between the collar and the doors of the metro on the move, attack several charms, keys, keys, badges, pagers, gadgets for achievements, but especially for those not reached (my favorite!). E 'became a noisy bunch, not easy to lose, the complex transformation has given him a new sound identity. Now my neck produce an agreement, perhaps an arpeggio, which accompanies me dance daily. There are far more loyal to the alpha-numeric code printed on the shirts.
A last look at the terminal where I see the reflection profile of the glasses and not just go down with his eyes along the line of the nose to the mouth, my. I do not like it. So I decide 'to change the image of the lips, closing them, preventing unruly incisors and opening there. The oval face is now inscribed in the rectangle of the screen, I conclude by placing the portrait symmetrically with both hands the hair on the sides of those ears. From behind the door comes
indisputable signal of the lift floor. I remember the bet made with time and I hasten. With
the left hand corner of the desk I go leaning toward the handle, first achieved by the right hand and then the body that by making a half turn on itself, with the crossing of one foot behind the other, also automatically closes the door of 'office.
As planned I am on the path of the sliding doors of the lift, framed in the foreground of the photocell. I smile.
Following a shooting and a ringing and within the vacuum chamber. I lean against the wall soft tipping the scales back on his heels, the calf muscles are so 'argument that complain of a subtle pleasure. Pinch the zero key and let myself be carried away by dull melody, well oiled, it should be lower up to the plane land where I take, but not too happy, my way.
breathe and I feel in perfect harmony with the space and time! Well!
my heels to pace chime on freshly polished marble interior of the building 20B, right before the closed door of Dr.. Sharp.
Here I give myself a series of syncopated breaths with emotion, it is time for my break, it starts the solo hero. I focus
lowering both arms along the body. I inhale and sit motionless in front of Dr. gesticulating. Sharp. I exhale and listen.
I'm praying in silence.
title: "Sharing". Act One: "Assertiveness".
eyes, unfortunately their my, unprepared decide to improvise, leaving a scene that could be titled: "The Perplexity." Subtitle: "Where the fuck are over?".
A voice out of the room yells, "Good first."
A voice inside me says, "We should see at least a second before judging whether it is good." I decide to keep quiet and think, "I will not be sure I explain to the dr. Sharp just that we chemists and engineers in a multinational pharmaceutical company and not a heavy singers, dancers, musicians of an orchestra in an opera house. Do not confess to anyone that we are deaf and clumsy actors of a work entitled "Creativity e nuovi modelli aziendali” che il Dott. Sharp in persona ha deciso di mettere in scena per la fine di quest’anno.
Cosi’ rimango in silenzio, nella speranza che non mi metta a suonare i campanelli... forse è più probabile i citofoni, ma di un’altra azienda farmaceutica, alla ricerca di una parte in una altra commedia!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Disney Trivial Pursuit Online

Andrea Mantegna

scelti i ricordi
mi accingevo a disporre i colori
alibi del tempo
coprivo i contorni delle sinopie
per nascondere inceretezze e dubbi del soggetto
solo l'impronta dei volti sarebbe soppravvissuta alla messa a fresco
ogni pennellata mostrava quello che avavo già dimenticato
solo il falso poteva prendere corpo
la cruda materia impediva allo spirito dei miei pensieri di prendere vita
ogni figura svaniva per lasciare il passo alla maniera
solo la menzogna mi era concessa, solo questa sentivo mia
potevo donarle le mie immagini senza vederle modificate dalla retorica
del gesto
nitide e false così come concepite

presi servizio
non appena la verosimiglianza copiò la vita
dovevo ritrarre le voglie del regime
le immaginifiche bellezze della famiglia regnante
intonacai camera e volte
degli ardori degli dei olimpici
nessuno abbassava gli occhi alla vergogna della vita dei mortali
non un sorriso alle tele inneggianti agli amori ed alle vittorie
nemmeno se sguaiate and pompous in their senselessness

then I ended up being the real image of the sad
copy of the daily life
and put on show the ugliness of everyday
the ruthless dresses of those who ran the power
faces elongated without dignity
only grin of arrogance and mediocrity

nobody understood but it was useless and I was not expelled.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pachuco Suits For Women

memory leak

the weak pace of a sleepy breath slipped between the covers while trying to leave the room undisturbed. uncertain descended the stairs again in the night, placing in memory the calculation of the gestures. the threshold found the sunrise and the fluid movement of the transfers to interrupt a sky too clear sign of ancient storms. I repeated these words as an echo of my thoughts, step by step, while the fast heart beat, pitiless of my ill-concealed safety. convinced then nodded, guessing the end of afternoon newspapers "... already far away when the story of the day woke the neighbors, caught by rescuers and onlookers who were placed against the entrance, a buzz of excited voices failure because safe to consider the fate of offenders. " so I thought, or trying to convince me, and I could scroll through the windows of the center now that the tram had left the workers in the morning.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Restaurant Posts Funny Sayings


He woke in una stanza sfuocata. Senza pensieri. Senza dolore. Un’infermiera entrò poco prima dell’alba. Controllò la fleboclisi di morfina. Lesse la frequenza cardiaca e misurò la temperatura. Annotò tutto in una scheda che ripose ai piedi del letto.
Aveva due gambe in trazione, un braccio ingessato, varie costole rotte, un polmone collassato. Il trauma cranico aveva provocato una perdita di coscienza.
Dopo sei lunghe operazioni la prognosi fu sciolta.

Dottore, mi scusi, come sta mio fratello?

Signorina De Santis, non si preoccupi. Suo fratello è stabile. Non è più in pericolo di vita.

Vi ringrazio per tutto quello che avete done.

Do not worry. We are very happy with the outcome. The spine has not suffered permanent damage. Will face a long physiotherapy. We have no evidence now, but it is possible that his brother returns to walk as before. It 'been very lucky.

Yes, of course, it was a miracle doctor. But, excuse me, when I was next to the first, he could say a few words in a low voice, but I felt it just could not understand the meaning of the sentence. Words uttered at random with no apparent link. I'm scared and I thought the head trauma.

Fortunately the trauma is not serious. He lost consciousness for several hours, but the TAC has ruled out damage to the brain. It will take a bit 'of time for recovery of language functions. The confabulation and disorientation, are characteristic of post traumatic amnesia.

I looked as if they recognize me!

must have patience. Now I can not comment. The faster these symptoms disappear, the more likely a complete recovery of function. We can only wait.

Thank you very much doctor.

Do not worry lady. He has already spoken to the police?

Yes, this morning.

Excuse me curious, but ... you do not know anything about the accident?

They found the apartment upside down. The lock the door was broken into. The fall has been held back from the branches. The roof of the car has softened the blow. He could not have saved otherwise.

Someone came into the house?

They think of stealing. Thieves have broken into believing the door to enter an empty house. John was probably awakened by the noise. There must have been a struggle and ... well you do not know how, but fell from the balcony. Unfortunately there are no witnesses. It was Sunday morning, very early. The thieves escaped unmolested. The neighbors have not noticed anything and there is the concierge at the weekend.

I'm very sorry, Miss Monica.

Yes, thank you, she is very nice. It 'was terrible, but we are happy to be alive.

was still dark. I got up and took a shower immediately. I took the razor and started shaving. Approaching the mirror, I stopped to watch a vein from the angle of the eye and dispersed in the iris. I turned off the light and turned back on, I concentrated on the contraction of the pupil. I did this several times. Seemed to have a life of its own.
I got dressed and took the bag from the cabinet. Filled it with a large screwdriver, a trash bag, digital camera, laptop, and the candlestick of gold. I had nothing of value at home.
I went out and did not meet anyone in the building. I took the car and walked towards the periphery. Mi fermai a un cassonetto e ci buttai il portafoglio avendo cura di togliere i soldi. Poi mi avvicinai alla riva del naviglio. Mi guardai in giro: la strada era deserta. Svuotai la borsa nel sacco dell’immondizia, lo annodai bene e lo buttai in acqua. Affondò in un attimo. Con l’accendino bruciai le banconote. Le monetine le lasciai per terra, in mezzo alle erbacce.
Tornai mentre il sole stava per sorgere. Per entrare in casa scassinai la porta. Non mi ci volle molto. Mi ero allenato con una serratura simile. Il borsone lo rimisi nell’armadio. Poi iniziai a frugare in giro per la casa, facendo più confusione che potevo. Quando fui soddisfatto mi rimisi il pigiama. Andai in salotto con un cuscino e spaccai il vetro della porta finestra. Pulii good chips from the pillow and risistemai on the bed in the guest room. The morning air was very cold. I sat quietly in the chair staring at the television off. I do not know for how long. Then suddenly I got up and trampled down the broken glass with bare feet and I fell from the balcony.

She did not know what time it was, had not slept a single minute. He could only move his left arm. Turn the stiff neck a few degrees. He did not feel his legs and one arm, but he was not worried.
For days he had not understood where he was. Then he did not understand because he was in hospital. He had a car accident?
Tonight everything was back to the mind, the first of the small details throughout: the shards of glass sticking into the sole of the foot, the burning notes. Then images placed in a cluttered and confused time. The ship, the apartment in disarray. His reflection in the TV screen.
With a lot of effort in those last hours was able to rebuild everything. He understood what to do.
slowly turns his head and looked a little above the drip on the left. After twelve seconds a drop fell in the small room from where the pipe went into the vein. He stretched his arm up to reach the flow control and spun at maximum. The drops began to fall one after the other. Neck back to its original position, then extended the arm on the bed and closed his eyes.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Pa License Center Ewisburg

time has passed

and many bridges have collapsed

so that you can not go back.

you see that heart covered with leaves in the woods?

is not mine, get well and walk

expect only the weak, so they say,

but I like looking back in sunset light

watching the buildings take shape

because we recognize feelings childhood

gates that open into the stomach

déjà vu and premonition of the past years to come.

This connects life to death,

contraction of eternity in an instant

Sunday, March 9, 2008

When Do You Get Paid At Bonefish

A story on the fire

parked the car in the empty square in front of the church. It had rained all night, the streets were still wet and his breath condensed in the damp and chilly in the morning. He entered the main door, took off the gloves and put them in the right pocket of my jacket, then took off his wool cap and put it in the left pocket. The internal temperature was not significantly different from that outside. The church was empty, dimly lit, went up to una candela e stese la mano sopra la fiamma. Sentiva il calore al centro del palmo . Rimase immobile qualche secondo poi lentamente l’ avvicinò al fuoco fino a che il dolore non fu insopportabile. Chiuse la mano a pugno e spense la candela, poi indossò i guanti, cercò delle monete nella tasca sinistra dei pantaloni e le infilò nella cassetta delle offerte.
Si sedette su una panca nella navata laterale, prese il foglio della messa, lesse la lettera di San Giovanni agli Apostoli e poi lo accartocciò, buttandolo sotto la panca. Dopo un quarto d’ora un prete si avvicinò al confessionale, entrò, chiuse the curtain and turned on the light.
The man knelt down in the area for the penitent. The priest finished his prayers, opened the door between the two gratings. He could see the outline of the figure of the priest, his eyes were shining in the darkness of the confessional.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
like to sit in front of me, outside?
No, it's good here, Father.
The tone of the man's voice was low, but the words were well articulated and it was hard to understand.
E 'so that does not confess?
Non mi ricordo Padre.
Non importa, mi dica, prego.
Ho ucciso un uomo.
Il prete rimase in silenzio, scosso. Si tolse il tricorno e lo appoggiò accanto al breviario.
Quando è successo?
Tre anni fa.
E viene ora a confessarsi?
E’ stato in prigione?
Lei deve andare dalla polizia.
Non ne ho intenzione, Padre.
Non è pentito? Perché è venuto a confessarsi? Nessuno la potrà perdonare, nemmeno il Signore , if you do not repent. Must first build up, confess and ask forgiveness to the family.
For this I have come to her.
from me?
She and her family.
Excuse me, do not understand.
your brother.
My brother?
I killed his brother, three years ago.
My brother died in the fire of his house. It 'was an accident.
It was not an accident.
There was a gas leak and the house of his brother went to the fire that night while sleeping. But was not accidental : was caused, on purpose.
from her?
Firefighters had also ruled a suicide.
rule that out too.
But, as he did?
It 's my job.
's what I do.
Why did you come if you have not repented, why did you tell me who killed my brother?
I just wanted you to know.
Why now and not before?
was not the right time.
The young priest closed the door, covered her face with her hands and began to cry.
The man rose from the confessional, put on his hat and went out into the yard. It had started raining again and the air was even colder. He got his collar and walked in the avenue next to church to reach the entrance of the oratory. He crossed a small courtyard, reached a door, he made no effort to enter, was open and there was none.
After ten minutes, the priest entered the house and found the man sitting opposite him on the couch in the living room.
What are you doing here?
The man looked at him with a smile.
Father I changed my mind. I am sorry.
calmly took the gun from the jacket, pointed it to the priest and fired.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

How To Make A Motocrossbirthday Cake


scratched the walls with her nails without a sound and the window open and the light of September so sweet, so raw.
and I just skin, a shell with no bones, muscles, nerves, blood
immersed in the empty space that takes your breath

I just wanted to get out and run away but I remained motionless, leaning against the couch, waiting for the rain to wash away all

everything is gone, there has never been

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Good Sasusaku M Rated


discovered on the slopes by the morning sun

wind up the contours snow one evening
a white powder is raised in small spirals
seems to roll fast as the light refracts
colors hidden

a curve trace of a passage
marks a boundary between two worlds
a fracture between two possibilities and the same outcome
back the first bumps disappearing to a hypothetical pass
shows a choice a decision not yet taken

the evening when the light disappears
after sunset
at this time that open debate
reminiscent what was not done
and what will not be

the game of the wind becomes clearer
you realize that the details of the landscape
while the line vanishes
well before darkness

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Lola And Bugs The Differences


I see the many signs on that side of the road. Through
race. A few handfuls of minutes to buy an accessory that night would have made a difference. But what? I wonder, will be 'the instinct to say, I say. colorirumorioggettipersonedeciselescansolastradailmarciapiedefinisceiltempogiàdamolto

stopped in a shop window I look dark now, no difference
always take the gun from its sheath that protects me from the rest of the world
with a cigarette to calm house

Monday, February 25, 2008

14 Weeks Pregnant Upset Stomach

Edward Estlin Cummings (2) Autumn Tale

where I have never been , pleasantly over

any experience, your eyes have their silence: in your

gesture delicato ci sono cose che m'imprigionano,

o che non posso toccare perché mi sono troppo vicine

il tuo sguardo più insignificante facilmente mi schiude

sebbene io mi sia chiuso come le dita di una mano,

tu mi apri sempre facilmente petalo per petalo come la Primavera apre

(sfiorando abilmente, misteriosamente) la sua prima rosa

o se il tuo desiderio sia chiudermi, io e

la mia vita ci chiuderemo di scatto meravigliosamente, improvvisamente,

come quando il cuore di questo fiore s'immagina

la neve scendere con cautela everywhere

none of what we experience in this world equals

the power of your intense fragility: whose texture compels me

in the color of its lands,

death and paying tribute to always at every breath

(do not know what it is about you that closes and opens

; only

something tells me that the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)

anyone, not even the rain, has such small hands

Sunday, February 24, 2008

How To Tell If I Can Expand My Laptop

I was born on the day of the dead. As a child did not understand why ogni anno mia madre mi portasse al Monumentale. Gli altri bambini lo festeggiavano in modo diverso, ne ero sicuro. Lei puliva la tomba dei nonni, cambiava i fiori e intanto mi raccontava del pomeriggio in cui mi diede alla luce. Non te lo puoi ricordare Tato, iniziava sempre, ma quel giorno faceva molto freddo. Il papà faticò non poco per accompagnarci in ospedale. Tutta la città era immersa nella nebbia, ad ogni incrocio bisognava fermarsi perché non si vedeva la luce del semaforo. Bisognava stare attenti! Tu eri nella mia pancia e volevi uscire…

Ora immagino mio padre bestemmiare al volante della Seicento, mentre mia madre soffia e grida ad ogni contrazione. Nella storia di mia madre questo però non c’era.

Trentadue anni dopo mi alzo e non ho intenzione di andare in ufficio. Tanto meno al cimitero. Mi concedo un giorno di ferie. Non voglio lavorare il giorno del mio compleanno.
Guardo nel frigorifero: latte scaduto e sciroppo d’acero, neanche un uovo. Decido di andare a fare colazione in centro.

Esco e mi accorgo che fa più caldo di quanto pensassi. Mi metto la giacca sul braccio e cammino fino alla fermata del bus.

L'autobus è vuoto, sono le dieci passate e tutti sono già al lavoro, chini sulle scrivanie. Un vecchietto è seduto davanti, vicino all'uscita. Si toglie il cappello per asciugarsi la testa sudata con il fazzoletto, wearing a wool suit, I do not understand how he can stand in this heat. There is also a girl sitting not far from me, reading a book every now and then raises his head to see where it is. I see the breast check from his shirt unbuttoned. I love this season disappear jackets, scarves, hats and appear short skirts, tank tops, t-shirts members.

go down in the pedestrian area and seeking a bar with outdoor tables. I order a glass of orange juice and a slice of apple pie. The coffee does not do well here.

I see a newspaper left on the table at left. I'll take it, I read carelessly the first page, but then put it back where it was. I do not care what it is happened or will happen. I relax in the chair and watch the leaves start-ups that have colored the trees of the avenue. A sparrow pecks a dog shit in the flower bed. How should life easier for him. Now that the days are getting longer, the air will be filled with insects and you will find plenty of food.

After breakfast I have an idea. Start walking toward the beach, I take it easy through the park. I want to see the first flowers on the grass, smell the scent in the air. No busy roads today. I want to dive into the sea, toyed with the idea all the way, but then I think the cold water. It 's too early to take a bath. I lie down to watch the gulls back currents. I hope to fall asleep to the sound of the waves. I do not want to do anything. I do not know what to do all day. Who cares?

I've always hated birthdays in rainy, cold and gray. Today it's sunny, warm weather, everything is colored. A feeling of infinite freedom comes over me. He had not felt so peaceful.
do not know why I moved to New Zealand. It 'been a bet with myself. I did not know what to expect, but I wanted to go, as far as possible.

Today I am certain: I chose the right place.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What Causes A Toddler To Have Bloated Stomach

bag (IV) - butters

it happened again, not to be believed, were the weeks I kept telling him he was present, it was he who organized the first meetings ... but just to not be too explicit for an excuse, an alibi because she does not refuse ... good, and now you want to take advantage of you, do not even deserve that answer you, it almost seems a different person ... Who knows how she likes to watch us play, maybe he already decided which of us is
fernando and who William ... for now supports him. Today in the hills, brought him, thinking she is Hungarian, wine, country, memories of the homeland, just to catch it di sorpresa quando rilassata pensa ad altro... e via su per le strade sempre più piccole abbarbicate, lei sul sedile davanti, lui su quello dietro a ciarlare intrecciando storie per vedere come lei si muove, come ammicca al gioco. io attento, ora destra ora a sinistra, senza fretta raggiungo il bosco dei castagni, dovrebbe essere il giorno della sagra, ma al mattino in paese sono rimasti in pochi, si sa prima della festa occorre prendere il cinghiale. scendiamo senza una meta evitando di finire nella rete dei cacciatori, saliamo sul limitare dei campi, ormai senza fiori, ma ancora di un verde intenso quasi cupo, sfiorando i tronchi degli alberi, il sentiero appena nascosto dalle foglie... mi lascio trasportare dai sapori di immagini lontane, cullate dai suoni insoliti dell'accento straniero di lei. lui ci fotografa sotto un olmo isolato in mezzo al prato... la guardo, forse è la prima volta così da vicino, mettendoci in posa le ho sfiorato una mano cercando un segno dal suo volto, ma non ho avuto risposta. è difficile fare un passo dietro le quinte del reale, capire i legami, i rimandi che formano il nostro mondo senza aggrovigliare le fibre del vivere quotidiano. ora in silenzio, è già ottobre avanzato di molti anni dopo, guardo con malinconia l'immagine di quel giorno e noto, forse per la prima volta, le prime foglie gialle staccarsi in volo.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Favorite Hotel Sanibel Island

klein bottle

siamo nati dopo la tempesta

e ora che tutto è brughiera

attendiamo l'arrivo dei demoni

guardiamo nelle finestre

la vita delle persone

siamo solo angeli caduti

senza sesso senza cuore
riflessi di luce nel vetro

ora viviamo la nostra seconda vita
sentiamo tuoni lontani, il cielo è già scuro
arrivano arrivano presto saranno qui

Sunday, February 3, 2008

How Many Calories In Boar's Head Lunch Meat

to Marginem - klee

camminai per strade umide di pioggia
in attesa che il ritmo lento di un respiro scandisse la mia vita

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Phone Answering Procedures

I do not fear fate

There is nothing else to do. I live a rarefied life. A sequence of disconnected images. Fabio's right. Just look at your toes! We're here. There is nothing to be done. Let us be carried away by the current. I stopped worrying about the past. I do not look further than tomorrow. This is my only way to survive. I do not understand. Everything is here, unconsciousness.

cuba make some steps while waiting for Fabio to get me. Friday night. What do we do? What do we do? I look out the kitchen window and I smoke a cigarette. I put too little rum and coke. Open the refrigerator and take cocaine. I finished my stock of Gigetto. I hope Fabio will have a little '. I'm too nervous. I'm too myself. I throw down the Cuba as quickly as possible, the time to finish the cigarette.

I can not read a book for weeks. Every story, long or short. I prefer poetry. I can not stand the poems. I need a few sentences. Sentences in which I identify with. I was so close to you that I am cold near the others. Desperately Seeking poems. Do not make me feel alone. You are friend Paul, I am a friend Edward, how come I always know Eugene?

We go to heaven and the Triangle is still empty. E 'soon. I'm not even ten. A couple is sitting in a corner. Will go away soon.
We sit on the sofas. Ivan arrives. He sits next to us. I order a Cuba. Ivan is a nice guy. Some say it's gay, there are suspicions that never end despite all the possibilities. To me it is nice because it's quiet. We are not friends, not as it is with Fabio. We have nothing to say. Who do I have something to say? They are all musicians. They talk about music and women, if women are talking about music.
Half an hour later, the triangle is almost full. I've already finished my cuba. Ordered another. Fabio gives me a nod and we go out in parking. We climb into the car. He pulls out a bag full of Mary. The smell filled the cabin. I'm already excited. I pull out the maps and begin to roll. Fabio prepares the filter. Double them.
I keep it in your lungs as possible. We are two real toxic. A shot by one, division of property. We hate both those who smoke in the company and held the barrel for hours. It is more than three shots. Okay, maybe Maria and her then why not if you smoke at home? By now you're here with us and offer: divide equally.
I feel my legs and arms relaxed. You have to go. Remain locked a few seconds.

They arrived

Paola and her friends. Do not know them all. There is Silvia, her older sister. Like Fabio. E 'along with a Frenchman, one of Lyon, but if it makes the headphones. I know Robert is the third year of mathematics. So that makes the argument in group theory, or so I said Fabio. E 'dyed blonde, it seems a goose, but it should be. Maybe there is. Next to her but there is Julia. I only know his name, who plays the cello, her hair blacks, half-length back. He smokes one cigarette after another and does not seem to care about anyone.
'm sitting there on the couch. Sip another Cuba. Fabio, I'm just returned. Si starà avvicinando a Silvia. Peccato che si vede che ha fumato. Si comporta da coglione. Ha gli occhi a palla e si mangia le parole. Non so perché si deve sempre spaccare. Per lui fumare è andare fuori di testa. Io la uso solo come calmante. Sono lucido, anche se i pensieri si rincorrono nella mia mente e non so cosa uscirà appena aprirò bocca.
Guardo Giulia ostinatamente, mai una volta che guardi verso di me. Non c’è pericolo che i nostri occhi s’incrocino. Devo fare qualcosa. Ha il gomito appoggiato sul fianco. La sigaretta si sta consumando mentre parla con non so chi. Ad un tratto capisco che devo agire. Mi alzo e mi siedo tra lei e Roberta. Non so come ma escono parole sensate. Le chiedo della tesina che sta writing. Who is the speaker? But by Serbenti is not bad, but the following assistance, Califano. It 'been my practice to the course of geometry. He dressed to do shit. The story that we thought at the time of the morning veneer glue, throw some clothes on the bed and then you roll. Only thus could be combined in that way.
Roberta Use as a medium. I speak with her so I feel Giulia. He pretends not to listen, but I know he feels. He is not talking to anybody and we are too close. After a few minutes
Roberta rises. I get up too, because there is no apparent reason to sit there. I can not. I can not say anything. I can not remain silent forever. What the hell do I drank three to Cuba, because I smoked in that car in the parking lot?
I whirled around.
- Your birthday is next Saturday? The five like Fabio?
- Yes
correct answer. You can not say anything else? I need feedback. Do not head the idea that you care.
- You may organize the party together?
- I do not like celebrating his birthday.
Christ's sake do not like me too.
- Be 'from it would be nice. Fabio has a huge house, will turn out a good party.
- I do not know, I will think.
takes a cigarette from her bag and lit it.
I fear no fate (for you are my doing, my sweet).
- You should do it. Fabio will be happy. It is not the guy who gets problems.
- Ok, I do not know, you could also do.
A conversation really poor. It might not be his night, or at least I hope so. But a new opportunity arises. At least I know I'll see her soon. Back to my place and chatted a bit 'with Beppe. It speaks of his new electric guitar. I could talk about guitars for hours now, I could talk about any cosa: scaldabagni, ateismo, origami, dell’inversione del campo magnetico terreste. Non m’importa. Voglio solo parlare e basta.
Dopo un po’ Paola e le amiche se ne vanno. Vedo Giulia uscire. Non ci salutiamo neanche. Forse sabato prossimo la rivedrò.

Il silenzio quieterà la tempesta darà saggezza al fogliame profondo.
Oramai la serata è finita. Non mi resta altro che aspettare. Non ho scelta. Ma lei mi piace. Non si può spiegare. C’erano un sacco di ragazze carine stasera. Solo lei mi interessava. Perché è strana. Particolare. E’ questo che mi colpisce sempre, non l’aspetto physical. It could be good or bad. Now I can not judge. But I see a world. Anything non-trivial. And that makes me mad. This makes it desirable to my eyes.

Back and Fabio driving sucks. Brake and accelerator abruptly. It takes curves to fuck. I feel nauseous. At a traffic light that babbles like Silvia. I knew that already. He tells me that sends out messages every now and she says, but never receives a message of its own. He never called. The nausea did not pass me. He knows that is not a good sign. Christ holy damn feedback! Okay you talked about tonight, but she is looking for you? No, and why? I would not say these platitudes. She knows but if he hides them. I know he likes it seriously. But from outside I understand that she is not interested. I would like to do something. I would like to talk to her, tell him to give him a chance. But you can not do. The nausea increases.
off the car and I see him leave. The air bites and beats me in the head with a hammer. I do not make time to get to the door. Vomiting in the border near the entrance.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What Does Thumb Forefinger Circle Mean

footprint left on the fresh grass

You come from the south,
where the light burns the grass is dry.
You come from the east,
where he grew up in the morning if you want to smile.
You come from the west when I fall asleep.
You come from the north on the only blowing our candles.

I see you dancing with chains on their feet
because I only have memories of gestures,
how you walk and you're sitting
of your fingers curl in her hair.

a land to explore
to walk without haste
I can not help but follow a track
footprint left on the fresh grass

Friday, January 11, 2008

Show Me A Diagram Ofpsychology


her gaze was directed towards the river you saw

almost pensive frown
fix a point on the horizon
without paying attention

often a feeling of tiredness envelops you
seeing those eyes away
but did not want to think beyond
perhaps lacking the courage to confront the evidence
pretending not to see the castle of misunderstandings

you got up to let her closest
smiling broke away from the balustrade to meet you
ever you fell into error
enough to just observe the serenity of his gaze
to forget the doubts and shadows of concealment

the road left the madeleine
for brightly colored clothes of Africans
while the churches rang the power of the liturgy mestizo
lying on the rhythms of gospel expect
while she seemed to find a new joy

steps lengthened the day and take you beyond the boulevard
to Saint Martin and the calm water of channels

without imagining that the fracture could be imminent
attempted to compose his speeches
cold she was sure the decision

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My 5 Year Old Daughter Stole Money From A Wallet


follow the circle of the horizon
shoulders against the outline of the bay Pier
leaves on the sand while the sea
the naked remains of a day

wet chips and burnt by saltwater
mark the edge of the surf and bounding
the movement of the waves
remember the occurrence of events when the anxiety becomes

shadows when viewed from afar as silences are

signs rhythmic harmony in the composition of the surf while
completes its cycle
chanting repetition of the waves

hesitating decide
not to collect the traces
not to delete the paths that lead to memories
illusion that the tide is always willing to repeat
leaving me free to arrange the tiles