was on 11 February 1858, when little Bernadette went to cut wood, the rock of Massabielle. Suddenly he heard a noise, looked up and saw appear on a rock, a beautiful lady dressed in white holding a rosary. Instinctively, Bernadette knelt and prayed with the Lady, in the end the Lady of the Rosary disappeared.
was on February 18 that the Lady spoke to her: "I do not promise to make you happy in this world, but in the other. Would you like to oblige me to come here for fifteen days? "
Meanwhile the news of the apparitions spread and many spectators came to the cave, where in the appearance of 24 February, the Virgin repeated three times the word" penance ". And he urged "Pray for sinners."
The next day, the Lady asked Bernadette to go to the source of that water and drink, but finding no source, the young man began to dig with his hands and from that little hole began to pour water in abundance. All present were astonished them, a blind man's eyes are wet with that water and immediately regained his sight. The parish priest of Lourdes, being skeptical about what was happening, asked Bernadette an irrefutable sign: what was the name of the beautiful lady? On March 25 the Lady finally revealed his name "I am the Immaculate Conception." The girl, who did not know what it was that name, immediately went and told the pastor that he was shocked and had no doubt.
Every year on February 11 we celebrate the "World Day of the Sick."
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