The complaint against me is stalking law in respect of the following representatives of the Association Adiantum: Mr. Andrew Card, Mr David Romano, Mr. Alessio Cardinale, Mr. Furlanetto's Gianni Geobox.IT Ltd. Florence.
The complaint against me is stalking law in respect of the following representatives of the Association Adiantum: Mr. Andrew Card, Mr David Romano, Mr. Alessio Cardinale, Mr. Furlanetto's Gianni Geobox.IT Ltd. Florence.
Association Adiantum
Complaint with Request for Stalking
at District Rome
ongoing disclosure of stalking at 265,000 users in over
publication of the data for my daughter and
suoi compagni di classe
in corso la clonazione di 3 pagine facebook che sfruttano il mio nome e i miei nomi a dominio
clicca per allargare l'immagine
clicca per allargare l'immagine
clicca qui per allargare l'immagine
In merito alla Pagina Facebook numero 131134580284380, oggi denominata http://www.facebook.com/donnadicreta, e gli account numero 100001553695717, numero 100002017451263 (giĆ Macte Ocio, denunciato Procura di Terni) e numero 100002024899000 ultimo nato, che agiscono ai miei danni in violazione di quanto descritto dall'art. 494 del codice penale e seguenti, resta to clarify:
A purpose for which the association Adiantum cloning using an obvious name Loredana Morandi, while attacks the Superior Council of Magistracy, which is an arm of the state of constitutional importance chaired by the President and the Judiciary?
Although objective must be the same purpose for which the members Adiantum clone the name of a famous Milanese magistrate. A more advertising purposes.
A purpose for which the association Adiantum cloning using an obvious name Loredana Morandi, while attacks the Superior Council of Magistracy, which is an arm of the state of constitutional importance chaired by the President and the Judiciary?
Although objective must be the same purpose for which the members Adiantum clone the name of a famous Milanese magistrate. A more advertising purposes.
Adiantum The Association now has available from the 48 canonical hours of time to clear as instructed and all fake facebook profiles at this link .
If it is clear the intention of Adiantum and its members and its webmaster Florentine continue efforts arson, reported that in the next 24 hours will extend the complaint to the lawyer Gian Ettore Gassani , president of the marriage, which after having talked on the phone is fully informed and aware of the extreme violence of action made against me and against other women, mothers and distinguished professionals. The printouts of the conversation is already in possession.
is meant by this clearly written as the formal notice that the leadership of the association Adiantum / False Abuse worth taking for the unfortunate behavior of members, member, webmaster and senior management to the detriment of individual and private citizens.
cloned to date names and logos of major Italian companies and association volunteers and individuals involved in the protection of children from abuse and women from violence.
Loredana Morandi
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