Daniel Love and luttuario World Maxi Fasso

A strong title, which takes into paraphrase the famous world of "Amelie "to represent the ravine of the personal experiences of a pedophile as Maxi Fasso which are not and can have many interests. The only ones are in fact related all'abbrutimento animal of which he is bearer in the world: the appetites. In its bulletin
appear poche foto, ma significative: Pedobear , un verdissimo doppio logo " IRC Pedo Go " e Radio Mondo Web , la radio della amica personale di P (dell'acronimo PVF di SessoChannel) cioè una madre di famiglia che passa tutte le notti a postare musica via web radio e dorme di giorno quando invece dovrebbe accudire la propria prole (una rappresentante del target di donna disperata che interessa generalmente ai pedofili).

Pedobear è l'orso pedofilo da regalare alle piccole vittime,
in occasione del secondo "Child Love Day" annuale dell'orgoglio degli orchi,
cioè il "Santo Natale"

A true hunter is never wrong to observe carefully the choices of their enemy, as well as the interests of supporters of a blond baby in the world of Maxi luttuario Fasso?
And what are the real intentions of Lacalamita Cynthia and her staff in becoming promoters of the gloomy world of a pedophile, "said"?

A loving relationship "mutual" is useful for the precise definition of the theorem.
This is what any man can learn from these images of the road.
Even on the merits of the real intentions of a cunning and those of a publishing house dedicated to combining low profit. Because they
the group served. Evidently
penultimate note: This is the same Maxi Maxi Fasso Fasso
join forces with which Mr. Luigi Amico Caltanissetta.
Last note: the organization of the deal is very clear from the twenty-two circuits Milan porn actor Giacomo Sorbi, cast against me by the managers of the storage and exchange SessoChannel and mediator for Italy's economic Pirate Bay, the ' man who sued a judge, and the Guardia di Finanza (at the Prosecution of Venice) durante la distribuzione di materiale video fotografico a carattere necrofilo destinato ai pedofili.
Tutto quanto è qui citato è denunciato alla Autorità Giudiziaria.
Loredana Morandi
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