Cinzia Lacalamita e i rapporti con workers to intimidation by Loredana Morandi

Who are the blogs that I work on behalf of the crime of the web I have written it up in agony. It 'just reiterate, however, the true contents of those whose profile judiciary and the number of seizures has been described here: in my writing. The reason to like them
Lacalamita and publishing Aliberti, who also edits the journal of Patrick D'Addario porn we will see below.
Gianluca Dallaturca been a lover of p2p via Torrent Tracker. His contribution to anti-commercial was recently arrested by the Guardia di Finanza in conjunction with the board torrent Colombo bt. E 'known for its contentiousness that never go out only to give voice to a non-occult irritability, probably determined by the life of a poor and humble sloppy driver trunk.
Giacomo Sorbi , owner of the forum Yumeshima, already arrested by the Guardia di Finanza for the year 2004 for illegal file sharing edonkey Italy Zip administrator of the board, is the porn actor who was chosen by Giovanni Battista Gallus and Francesco Meloni holders in fact the domain name of the company Promotux snc referred Meloni is the "collective name". (Gallus I I reported in Switzerland since December 24, 2008 try to damage even under "Christmas" and exactly how it defends "home" from an attack, he tried to damage the property of others during the holidays only for "personal profit" ). The choice of the Sorbs, as stated in the screen above, was determined from the "historical culture" on pornography.
E 'for this reason that during these months I have written to the family Sorbs. Just because the father, the mother asked me to help "their guy" to come out of environments where the porn and was kicked out because, thanks to some unworthy people to make political movement (Grilli Versiliesi owner), was introducing the town of Viareggio beyond prostitution to curb and the inevitable transsexuals pinewood. Sorbi it entertains with acquaintances TRANSSEXUAL as far back as May 2008 as we read in the image below.
Giacomo Sorbi and his criminal gang linked to porn have career. Among their friends see some of the most lurid case of abuse in kindergarten supporters of Turin's nest, and probably the same Vittorio Apolloni, under the name of famous Maxi Fasso.
Also, because of the protection given to them by the circuit of exchange and pedo porn Pirate Bay managed to Italy and its colonies by Giovanni Battista Gallus and Francesco Meloni, collective name of the snc Promotux is have approached them with all known users of the two blogs of the "center of forged documents abuses" and also Zanetti, under pseudonyms, and as more Sissimo Neuro.
So goes the "fat cat in" to the network of solidarity pro pedophiles also have fallen for the oldest friends Blacks, who gave the best of itself against me in 2004 at the time of the discussions on porno iracheno di Lia, la sfortunata professoressa di lingue scappata in Egitto, sbugiardata a livello planetario insieme al partner di mille diffamazioni.
Tra questi il pedofilo dichiarato " Massi Cadenti ", alias Massimo Piscopo nella foto con il "gatto pedofilo" Shotacat" all'ultimo gay pride.
Massimo Piscopo si rende addirittura portavoce al pubblico dei falsi e della diffamazione dei blog dei lunghi denti, senza minimamente considerare le recentissime sentenze ed il giudizio di merito sulla realizzazione della mp3 degli "squilli" e la figura truffaldina della "seconda linea telefonica" esperimentata ai miei danni agli atti del processo, al quale neppure "the former partner of Blacks" want to participate.
still here in one of his many intentional performance: with a falling mass of Marco d'Itri Seeweb whose servers are in irc network.
Lacalamita and publishing Aliberti, who also edits the journal of Patrick D'Addario porn we will see below.
Gianluca Dallaturca been a lover of p2p via Torrent Tracker. His contribution to anti-commercial was recently arrested by the Guardia di Finanza in conjunction with the board torrent Colombo bt. E 'known for its contentiousness that never go out only to give voice to a non-occult irritability, probably determined by the life of a poor and humble sloppy driver trunk.

Giacomo Sorbi , owner of the forum Yumeshima, already arrested by the Guardia di Finanza for the year 2004 for illegal file sharing edonkey Italy Zip administrator of the board, is the porn actor who was chosen by Giovanni Battista Gallus and Francesco Meloni holders in fact the domain name of the company Promotux snc referred Meloni is the "collective name". (Gallus I I reported in Switzerland since December 24, 2008 try to damage even under "Christmas" and exactly how it defends "home" from an attack, he tried to damage the property of others during the holidays only for "personal profit" ). The choice of the Sorbs, as stated in the screen above, was determined from the "historical culture" on pornography.

E 'for this reason that during these months I have written to the family Sorbs. Just because the father, the mother asked me to help "their guy" to come out of environments where the porn and was kicked out because, thanks to some unworthy people to make political movement (Grilli Versiliesi owner), was introducing the town of Viareggio beyond prostitution to curb and the inevitable transsexuals pinewood. Sorbi it entertains with acquaintances TRANSSEXUAL as far back as May 2008 as we read in the image below.

Giacomo Sorbi and his criminal gang linked to porn have career. Among their friends see some of the most lurid case of abuse in kindergarten supporters of Turin's nest, and probably the same Vittorio Apolloni, under the name of famous Maxi Fasso.
Also, because of the protection given to them by the circuit of exchange and pedo porn Pirate Bay managed to Italy and its colonies by Giovanni Battista Gallus and Francesco Meloni, collective name of the snc Promotux is have approached them with all known users of the two blogs of the "center of forged documents abuses" and also Zanetti, under pseudonyms, and as more Sissimo Neuro.
So goes the "fat cat in" to the network of solidarity pro pedophiles also have fallen for the oldest friends Blacks, who gave the best of itself against me in 2004 at the time of the discussions on porno iracheno di Lia, la sfortunata professoressa di lingue scappata in Egitto, sbugiardata a livello planetario insieme al partner di mille diffamazioni.
Tra questi il pedofilo dichiarato " Massi Cadenti ", alias Massimo Piscopo nella foto con il "gatto pedofilo" Shotacat" all'ultimo gay pride.

Massimo Piscopo si rende addirittura portavoce al pubblico dei falsi e della diffamazione dei blog dei lunghi denti, senza minimamente considerare le recentissime sentenze ed il giudizio di merito sulla realizzazione della mp3 degli "squilli" e la figura truffaldina della "seconda linea telefonica" esperimentata ai miei danni agli atti del processo, al quale neppure "the former partner of Blacks" want to participate.

The publisher is Roman Aliberti as Roman Garbatella is "P" (Princosrc and other similar account) acronym pro homosexual pedophiles of PVF, the friend Barbara Visconti of Radio World Web from the circles of pseudo "fan" of the underworld "Magliana Gang" (hereinafter referred to in its dealings with Maxi Fasso).
La prevedibilità di queste persone è finanche noiosa e certamente sarà Barbara a prendere contatto con i denunciati Fabio Amanti e Cinzia Lacalamita, come fece molti mesi fa con me.
A Dio piacendo questa è gente ignorante, mentre appartiene al regno dell'ovvio che il Danilo Tipo di Caltanissetta sia la persona che ha preso i contatti con Anna De Natale di Bari (in rapporti personali con Zanetti) e la crew del duo inaffidabile Sorbi - Dallaturca in nome e per conto di Luigi Amico, Giorgio Ciaccio, Lidia Undiemi, Giacomo Bellomare e Giuseppe Di Spirito . Un fatto talmente palese che loro, da sempre e completamente a corto di vere informazioni sulla mia persona except the crimes which they have produced in association, and if so are published on. In those same dates will be possible to find e-mail or phone calls from tabulated between the Christmas and Mr. De Type & partners. Thanks James, thanks Gianluca.
Anna De Bari Christmas the promoter of the duo chat hard Cagliari Gallus and Meloni, popular with the locals of Tarantino, who was made famous by the century " Thoughts of a prostitute" and the sale online porn shop tools, substantive reason that the closure of the case cover to Morandi. And 'she who has consolidated over time the relationship with Stefano Zanetti e i pedofili del circuito Falsi Abusi.

A Dio piacendo questa è gente ignorante, mentre appartiene al regno dell'ovvio che il Danilo Tipo di Caltanissetta sia la persona che ha preso i contatti con Anna De Natale di Bari (in rapporti personali con Zanetti) e la crew del duo inaffidabile Sorbi - Dallaturca in nome e per conto di Luigi Amico, Giorgio Ciaccio, Lidia Undiemi, Giacomo Bellomare e Giuseppe Di Spirito . Un fatto talmente palese che loro, da sempre e completamente a corto di vere informazioni sulla mia persona except the crimes which they have produced in association, and if so are published on. In those same dates will be possible to find e-mail or phone calls from tabulated between the Christmas and Mr. De Type & partners. Thanks James, thanks Gianluca.

Anna De Bari Christmas the promoter of the duo chat hard Cagliari Gallus and Meloni, popular with the locals of Tarantino, who was made famous by the century " Thoughts of a prostitute" and the sale online porn shop tools, substantive reason that the closure of the case cover to Morandi. And 'she who has consolidated over time the relationship with Stefano Zanetti e i pedofili del circuito Falsi Abusi.
Nella foto la versione originale del 19 ottobre 2008, fotografata dal blog cancellato sulla piattaforma Il Cannocchiale . A questi link potete leggere le copie successive duplicate sulla piattaforma (datato 28 ottobre, successivamente alla cancellazione de Il Cannocchiale) e sulla piattaforma (blog recentemente riversato come visibile dagli errori con data 28/10/2008).
And I always recommend the respect for the institutions of De Natale, judges that the association has also entered in her blog, as well as the work of video editing crew post production illegal. His writings also appear today on the new group on Facebook and all the pages managed by way of the pedophile Sissimo Neuro ...
.. and above all do not forget the campaign for pedophilia Maxi Fasso!
Above the real truth about Unina and as an ignorant me had even delivered in person ...
So, my dear readers, cleared personal relationships between Cinzia Lacalamita (+ friends and supporters mob) and Maxi Fasso on children who have very different intentions (aka Vittorio Apolloni the documentation center "False Abuse", currently under investigation) and proclaimed here the relationship between crime pornography of Bari and Sardinian Aliberti and publisher of Rome (see street sissimo) :
How would you like to bet with me that all the profits for which I was surrounded in recent months see delivered its notice of for not having read carefully and that certain Members Sicilian take great escape (I'm not Genchi and are not accustomed to acts of intimidation against the family, and when they are forced to ask ) once demonstrated some reports of the Special Secretariat of Soru patron of Tiscali is still home and repeatedly
Registrar Organization: Tiscali Italy
Name: Energit-MNT Nameservers
conclusion: Ruotolo is a journalist idiot, as often happens to partisan. It is not even able to see what kind of political affiliations are riding him. Why are not the "false agendas red" to make men, but the mafia recommendations they receive.
James and Coca Cola, coming soon ...
How we me and my family?
very frightened by the number and type of threats received to date, of course.
And I always recommend the respect for the institutions of De Natale, judges that the association has also entered in her blog, as well as the work of video editing crew post production illegal. His writings also appear today on the new group on Facebook and all the pages managed by way of the pedophile Sissimo Neuro ...

.. and above all do not forget the campaign for pedophilia Maxi Fasso!
Above the real truth about Unina and as an ignorant me had even delivered in person ...


So, my dear readers, cleared personal relationships between Cinzia Lacalamita (+ friends and supporters mob) and Maxi Fasso on children who have very different intentions (aka Vittorio Apolloni the documentation center "False Abuse", currently under investigation) and proclaimed here the relationship between crime pornography of Bari and Sardinian Aliberti and publisher of Rome (see street sissimo) :
How would you like to bet with me that all the profits for which I was surrounded in recent months see delivered its notice of for not having read carefully and that certain Members Sicilian take great escape (I'm not Genchi and are not accustomed to acts of intimidation against the family, and when they are forced to ask ) once demonstrated some reports of the Special Secretariat of Soru patron of Tiscali is still home and repeatedly
Registrar Organization: Tiscali Italy
Name: Energit-MNT Nameservers
conclusion: Ruotolo is a journalist idiot, as often happens to partisan. It is not even able to see what kind of political affiliations are riding him. Why are not the "false agendas red" to make men, but the mafia recommendations they receive.
James and Coca Cola, coming soon ...
How we me and my family?
very frightened by the number and type of threats received to date, of course.
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