parked the car in the empty square in front of the church. It had rained all night, the streets were still wet and his breath condensed in the damp and chilly in the morning. He entered the main door, took off the gloves and put them in the right pocket of my jacket, then took off his wool cap and put it in the left pocket. The internal temperature was not significantly different from that outside. The church was empty, dimly lit, went up to una candela e stese la mano sopra la fiamma. Sentiva il calore al centro del palmo . Rimase immobile qualche secondo poi lentamente l’ avvicinò al fuoco fino a che il dolore non fu insopportabile. Chiuse la mano a pugno e spense la candela, poi indossò i guanti, cercò delle monete nella tasca sinistra dei pantaloni e le infilò nella cassetta delle offerte.
Si sedette su una panca nella navata laterale, prese il foglio della messa, lesse la lettera di San Giovanni agli Apostoli e poi lo accartocciò, buttandolo sotto la panca. Dopo un quarto d’ora un prete si avvicinò al confessionale, entrò, chiuse the curtain and turned on the light.
The man knelt down in the area for the penitent. The priest finished his prayers, opened the door between the two gratings. He could see the outline of the figure of the priest, his eyes were shining in the darkness of the confessional.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
like to sit in front of me, outside?
No, it's good here, Father.
The tone of the man's voice was low, but the words were well articulated and it was hard to understand.
E 'so that does not confess?
Non mi ricordo Padre.
Non importa, mi dica, prego.
Ho ucciso un uomo.
Il prete rimase in silenzio, scosso. Si tolse il tricorno e lo appoggiò accanto al breviario.
Quando è successo?
Tre anni fa.
E viene ora a confessarsi?
E’ stato in prigione?
Lei deve andare dalla polizia.
Non ne ho intenzione, Padre.
Non è pentito? Perché è venuto a confessarsi? Nessuno la potrà perdonare, nemmeno il Signore , if you do not repent. Must first build up, confess and ask forgiveness to the family.
For this I have come to her.
from me?
She and her family.
Excuse me, do not understand.
your brother.
My brother?
I killed his brother, three years ago.
My brother died in the fire of his house. It 'was an accident.
It was not an accident.
There was a gas leak and the house of his brother went to the fire that night while sleeping. But was not accidental : was caused, on purpose.
from her?
Firefighters had also ruled a suicide.
rule that out too.
But, as he did?
It 's my job.
's what I do.
Why did you come if you have not repented, why did you tell me who killed my brother?
I just wanted you to know.
Why now and not before?
was not the right time.
The young priest closed the door, covered her face with her hands and began to cry.
The man rose from the confessional, put on his hat and went out into the yard. It had started raining again and the air was even colder. He got his collar and walked in the avenue next to church to reach the entrance of the oratory. He crossed a small courtyard, reached a door, he made no effort to enter, was open and there was none.
After ten minutes, the priest entered the house and found the man sitting opposite him on the couch in the living room.
What are you doing here?
The man looked at him with a smile.
Father I changed my mind. I am sorry.
calmly took the gun from the jacket, pointed it to the priest and fired.
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