Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Restaurant Posts Funny Sayings


He woke in una stanza sfuocata. Senza pensieri. Senza dolore. Un’infermiera entrò poco prima dell’alba. Controllò la fleboclisi di morfina. Lesse la frequenza cardiaca e misurò la temperatura. Annotò tutto in una scheda che ripose ai piedi del letto.
Aveva due gambe in trazione, un braccio ingessato, varie costole rotte, un polmone collassato. Il trauma cranico aveva provocato una perdita di coscienza.
Dopo sei lunghe operazioni la prognosi fu sciolta.

Dottore, mi scusi, come sta mio fratello?

Signorina De Santis, non si preoccupi. Suo fratello è stabile. Non è più in pericolo di vita.

Vi ringrazio per tutto quello che avete done.

Do not worry. We are very happy with the outcome. The spine has not suffered permanent damage. Will face a long physiotherapy. We have no evidence now, but it is possible that his brother returns to walk as before. It 'been very lucky.

Yes, of course, it was a miracle doctor. But, excuse me, when I was next to the first, he could say a few words in a low voice, but I felt it just could not understand the meaning of the sentence. Words uttered at random with no apparent link. I'm scared and I thought the head trauma.

Fortunately the trauma is not serious. He lost consciousness for several hours, but the TAC has ruled out damage to the brain. It will take a bit 'of time for recovery of language functions. The confabulation and disorientation, are characteristic of post traumatic amnesia.

I looked as if they recognize me!

must have patience. Now I can not comment. The faster these symptoms disappear, the more likely a complete recovery of function. We can only wait.

Thank you very much doctor.

Do not worry lady. He has already spoken to the police?

Yes, this morning.

Excuse me curious, but ... you do not know anything about the accident?

They found the apartment upside down. The lock the door was broken into. The fall has been held back from the branches. The roof of the car has softened the blow. He could not have saved otherwise.

Someone came into the house?

They think of stealing. Thieves have broken into believing the door to enter an empty house. John was probably awakened by the noise. There must have been a struggle and ... well you do not know how, but fell from the balcony. Unfortunately there are no witnesses. It was Sunday morning, very early. The thieves escaped unmolested. The neighbors have not noticed anything and there is the concierge at the weekend.

I'm very sorry, Miss Monica.

Yes, thank you, she is very nice. It 'was terrible, but we are happy to be alive.

was still dark. I got up and took a shower immediately. I took the razor and started shaving. Approaching the mirror, I stopped to watch a vein from the angle of the eye and dispersed in the iris. I turned off the light and turned back on, I concentrated on the contraction of the pupil. I did this several times. Seemed to have a life of its own.
I got dressed and took the bag from the cabinet. Filled it with a large screwdriver, a trash bag, digital camera, laptop, and the candlestick of gold. I had nothing of value at home.
I went out and did not meet anyone in the building. I took the car and walked towards the periphery. Mi fermai a un cassonetto e ci buttai il portafoglio avendo cura di togliere i soldi. Poi mi avvicinai alla riva del naviglio. Mi guardai in giro: la strada era deserta. Svuotai la borsa nel sacco dell’immondizia, lo annodai bene e lo buttai in acqua. Affondò in un attimo. Con l’accendino bruciai le banconote. Le monetine le lasciai per terra, in mezzo alle erbacce.
Tornai mentre il sole stava per sorgere. Per entrare in casa scassinai la porta. Non mi ci volle molto. Mi ero allenato con una serratura simile. Il borsone lo rimisi nell’armadio. Poi iniziai a frugare in giro per la casa, facendo più confusione che potevo. Quando fui soddisfatto mi rimisi il pigiama. Andai in salotto con un cuscino e spaccai il vetro della porta finestra. Pulii good chips from the pillow and risistemai on the bed in the guest room. The morning air was very cold. I sat quietly in the chair staring at the television off. I do not know for how long. Then suddenly I got up and trampled down the broken glass with bare feet and I fell from the balcony.

She did not know what time it was, had not slept a single minute. He could only move his left arm. Turn the stiff neck a few degrees. He did not feel his legs and one arm, but he was not worried.
For days he had not understood where he was. Then he did not understand because he was in hospital. He had a car accident?
Tonight everything was back to the mind, the first of the small details throughout: the shards of glass sticking into the sole of the foot, the burning notes. Then images placed in a cluttered and confused time. The ship, the apartment in disarray. His reflection in the TV screen.
With a lot of effort in those last hours was able to rebuild everything. He understood what to do.
slowly turns his head and looked a little above the drip on the left. After twelve seconds a drop fell in the small room from where the pipe went into the vein. He stretched his arm up to reach the flow control and spun at maximum. The drops began to fall one after the other. Neck back to its original position, then extended the arm on the bed and closed his eyes.


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