Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Do Megalodons Still Exist

pictures of paris (1-6)

I - elsewhere

the streets date back to the left bank
rue saint seine to sulpice looking for memories

is like seeing into the crowd while trying to hide
deceiving not to be followed
you're never really alone in our footsteps take us heavy
our weakness
our thoughts

bend to the right date back rue Bonaparte the gardens
a run in the rain
people at the tables playing chess in a hurry but as arms
families crowd the streets
Saturday afternoon

go down the stairs in a hurry and sit down in front of the building Luxembourg
watch the world go
try not to think
I can always feel strange to want a
elsewhere to be confused with a place

II - visions of the past

My eyes stared slightly close
dark eyes of a woman
passed over indefinitely rather than wade
I could not avoid it

down the hall to the other end I

crushed in the encounter at the prospect
not worried did not know his language
knew that I would happen
around her dimmed the light faded
as projected in another era

stool to get closer but in vain

every step I took her to the nearest
tried to feign indifference but breath
betrayed me and here I began to understand
she was not breathing down property
only a picture of a time

III - theater

on various floors
built on the desires
a meeting
between the features of a path
put a red frame snaps in.
between two rows of thoughts

waiting formulated motion of the ever steps

only timeless words of sentences
letters agglutinated
the center a red frame
repeated sequences are not known
centered on the lips of the actor
in ceaseless motion
on nothing

IV - dance

tre persone parlano oltre la vetrata
e lentamente cambiano posizione

uno sguardo e solo la donna dai capelli rossi
mentre l'uomo e la donna con la borsa di spalle
entrano in un altro riquadro

un secondo sguardo e le donne affiancate gesticolano
mentre l'uomo indietreggia

un passo ed un quarto di giro
la borsa in spalla
e un riso scioglie la compagnia

V - attesa

nell'afa del pomeriggio
i giardini vengono chiusi uno ad uno
la tempesta è in arrivo

macchie di grigio nel cielo

come muffe che ricoprono il sereno
salgono dai muri della città
lente solo quando non le guardi

a saint merri il sole scompare

dietro le vetrate e i colori svaniscono
il cielo è coperto di nubi
in attesa
di aprirsi all'unisono

nelle strade alcuni corrono

altri si siedono vicino ai muri
in attesa della pioggia

VI - jardin des plantes

hear the water flowing on the walls
digging deep wrinkles
touches the ground in showers
forming channels

the city dissolves into mud

in inanimate matter
in lumps of new possibilities
the yellow sky for the last strokes of the storm

is the color of the walls of the houses

and how these black ruffled
is wet from the rain
fast ground

indifferent dog crosses the street

illuminated by lights on the water flowing
day that this part of the sea on
' water die image of a face
now too far away to be remembered

the dog lies down on the other side

waiting for the sun
knowing useless every thought every action

watch behind a glass that leaves you
and I fear the silence that will


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