Con il mercoledì delle ceneri è iniziata la quaresima. Con essa la chiesa ci offre un tempo di 40 giorni per "rientrare" in noi stessi, per "ricentrare" la nostra vita su Cristo, per dare una sterzata decisiva e invertire la direzione sbagliata verso la quale stiamo andando, in una parola, la quaresima è tempo di CONVERSIONE.
Ecco alcuni suggerimenti che il Santo Padre ci dà per vivere bene questi giorni nel suo messaggio per la quaresima 2011:
"In tutto il periodo quaresimale, The Church provides us with a particular abundance meditating on the Word of God and internalized to live every day, we learn a valuable and irreplaceable form of prayer, so attentive listening to God, who continues to speak to our hearts, that fuels the journey of faith We started the day of Baptism. Prayer allows us to acquire a new conception of time without the prospect of eternity and transcendence, in fact, it simply marks our steps towards a horizon that has no future. In prayer we find, however, time for God, to know that "his words will not pass away" (Mk 13:31), to enter into that intimate communion with him that " nobody can take away "(cf. Jn 16:22) and that opens us to hope that does not disappoint us, to eternal life.
In summary, the Lenten journey in which we are invited to contemplate the mystery of the Cross, "conform themselves to the death of Christ" (Phil 3:10), to implement a deep conversion of our lives: let us turn from the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul on the Damascus road, a decision directing our lives according to the will of God, free us from our selfishness, overcoming the instinct to dominate others and looking forward to the charity of Christ.
The season of Lent is a favorable moment to acknowledge our own weakness, accept, with sincere amendment of life, renewing the grace of the Sacrament of Penance and the decision to walk with Christ. " (Benedict XVI)
In summary, the Lenten journey in which we are invited to contemplate the mystery of the Cross, "conform themselves to the death of Christ" (Phil 3:10), to implement a deep conversion of our lives: let us turn from the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul on the Damascus road, a decision directing our lives according to the will of God, free us from our selfishness, overcoming the instinct to dominate others and looking forward to the charity of Christ.
The season of Lent is a favorable moment to acknowledge our own weakness, accept, with sincere amendment of life, renewing the grace of the Sacrament of Penance and the decision to walk with Christ. " (Benedict XVI)
Good Lenten journey!
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