John Bosco was born in Castelnuovo d'Asti in 1815. Nine years is a dream, he sees young people transform themselves from wild animals to lambs, revealed his future mission: the education of young people. The great Salesian had modest beginnings: in 1841, after the meeting col giovane Bartolomeo Garelli, Don Bosco iniziò a radunare ragazzi e giovani presso il Convitto di S. Francesco per il catechismo. A causa dell’ immigrazione dalle campagne piemontesi, il mondo giovanile era in preda a gravi problematiche: analfa betismo, degrado morale e mancata assistenza.
Strada facendo egli capì che l’oratorio poteva dare un’adeguata risposta a tale critica situazione: intitolò il suo primo oratorio a San Francesco di Sales. Egli concepì l’oratorio come luogo di aggregazione, di ricreazione, di evangelizzazione e di catechesi. Se la salvezza dell’anima era l’obiettivo finale, la formazione di “buoni cristiani ed onesti cittadini” era rather than immediate, as he used to say. Loving kindness is the supreme principle adopted by Don Bosco was not enough to love young people, but it was necessary that they perceive to be loved.
important result of his teaching was the "budget method", the call to true happiness inherent in that " be joyous, but do not sins." Although very active, he could not have done this great work alone, but was helped by many clergy and laity.
To ensure continuity and stability to what had started, he founded the company in Torino of the "Salesian." Don Bosco died in Turin in 1888. In the centenary of death John Paul II declared him "Father and Teacher of Youth.
To ensure continuity and stability to what had started, he founded the company in Torino of the "Salesian." Don Bosco died in Turin in 1888. In the centenary of death John Paul II declared him "Father and Teacher of Youth.
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