Sunday, April 27, 2008

Disney Trivial Pursuit Online

Andrea Mantegna

scelti i ricordi
mi accingevo a disporre i colori
alibi del tempo
coprivo i contorni delle sinopie
per nascondere inceretezze e dubbi del soggetto
solo l'impronta dei volti sarebbe soppravvissuta alla messa a fresco
ogni pennellata mostrava quello che avavo già dimenticato
solo il falso poteva prendere corpo
la cruda materia impediva allo spirito dei miei pensieri di prendere vita
ogni figura svaniva per lasciare il passo alla maniera
solo la menzogna mi era concessa, solo questa sentivo mia
potevo donarle le mie immagini senza vederle modificate dalla retorica
del gesto
nitide e false così come concepite

presi servizio
non appena la verosimiglianza copiò la vita
dovevo ritrarre le voglie del regime
le immaginifiche bellezze della famiglia regnante
intonacai camera e volte
degli ardori degli dei olimpici
nessuno abbassava gli occhi alla vergogna della vita dei mortali
non un sorriso alle tele inneggianti agli amori ed alle vittorie
nemmeno se sguaiate and pompous in their senselessness

then I ended up being the real image of the sad
copy of the daily life
and put on show the ugliness of everyday
the ruthless dresses of those who ran the power
faces elongated without dignity
only grin of arrogance and mediocrity

nobody understood but it was useless and I was not expelled.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pachuco Suits For Women

memory leak

the weak pace of a sleepy breath slipped between the covers while trying to leave the room undisturbed. uncertain descended the stairs again in the night, placing in memory the calculation of the gestures. the threshold found the sunrise and the fluid movement of the transfers to interrupt a sky too clear sign of ancient storms. I repeated these words as an echo of my thoughts, step by step, while the fast heart beat, pitiless of my ill-concealed safety. convinced then nodded, guessing the end of afternoon newspapers "... already far away when the story of the day woke the neighbors, caught by rescuers and onlookers who were placed against the entrance, a buzz of excited voices failure because safe to consider the fate of offenders. " so I thought, or trying to convince me, and I could scroll through the windows of the center now that the tram had left the workers in the morning.