Monday, November 12, 2007


dance (II) - matisse

the hottest summers cover light colors, close them in blank spaces to be filled with memories. in the middle of the street trees gave a lift to the restaurant festival, before it reverts to dance, regardless of the heat wave. around, on both i lati, la folla chiudeva l'ingresso dei vicoli e delle corti impedendo ai ritardatari di giungere a destinazione. alcuni, superato il bastione, avevano scoperto un passaggio tra le strette case, ma la loro corsa dovette fermarsi sui cancelli della villa padronale, ancora chiusi in attesa della processione.

non era solita la città mostrare la sua gioia ad ignari visitatori, a chi avrebbe equivocato sulla frenesia di un pomeriggio lontano dai rintocchi delle ore. in attesa del rito, abbandonato sull'altare e lambito dal lucrore delle navate, il palio raffigurava la vita del santo in un sapiente polittico dominato dal turchese e dai colori dell'agata e della giada, sprofondati nell'oro del cielo. sapientemente la narrazione sacra proceeded slowly, in canon, alternating hopes and disappointments for the renewal of the profession of faith.

breaks the hypothetical speaker gave cadence, while the notes of the harpsichord from the outside, hard-muted by the quiet of the sanctuary, speeding, leaving the jig and folly to rush between the joints and cracks in the building. followed by moments in which the bands overlapped their music, the same notes on different levels to chase an endless staircase, while evoked by the silence, the characters depicted in outline of the scenes came to life as puppets for a performance wireless intoxicated. the figures left the picture and mingled with the dancers bathed in intense light of summer. drunken whirling between heaven and earth touch of the sun that warmed their bodies, mindful of the passion again.